  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 蔡榮祥


中文摘要 本研究主要探討國民中小學推行全民國防教育的過程中,對其在執行上所存在的問題及相關配套措施作一探究。自「全民國防教育法」推動至今,在法源上及實務上發揮其應有的功能及效益。因此,為能加深探討除以問卷調查及文獻資料進行分析外,本研究利用訪談內容,以質化研究途徑蒐集,並探究嘉義市國民、中小學教育實務工作者,就「國民中小學推動全民國防教育」有關執行作法提出個人的看法及意見表達,以作為爾後國民中小學推動全民國防教育運用上的政策參考依據。 本研究結論歸納出推動全民國防教育之具體作為,臚列如下:舉辦全民國防教育教師研習及實務參訪活動、國民中小學校積極參與「全民國防教育」活動、擴大「全民國防教育」宣講團種能師資的培育、將「全民國防教育」列入國民中、小學校務評鑑與考核等。研究結果顯示,國民中小學校學生對全民國防教育宣教活動滿意度呈現顯著影響效益。 關鍵詞:全民國防教育、國民中小學、滿意度


Abstract This research mainly discusses the national elementary and middle schools to carry out all the people defense education in the process, the question and the correlation necessary measure which exists in the execution makes an inquisition to it.Since“all the people defense education” of the low has been promoted so far, it has played its due function and benefit on the source of the law and in practice.In addition, for can deepen the discussion dividing survey and literature material to carry on outside the analysis, this research use depth interview, by the electron particle materialization research way collection, and inquired into the Chia-yi first liaison office national elementary and middle schools education practice worker, “the national elementary and middle schools impel all the people defense education” related to carry out the method to propose individual view and the opinion expression, by impels in all the people defense education utilization as the national elementary and middle schools the policy reference. This research conclusion induces impels all the people defense education the concrete achievement, lists as follows: Will conduct all the people defense education teacher thorough study and the practice senate visits active, the national middle and elementary schools positive participation “all the people defense education” the activity, the expansion “all the people defense education” the speaking group plants can teachers' cultivation, “all the people defense education” include the national middle, the elementary school school affairs comments and the inspection and so on. Key words: All the people defense education, elementary and middle schools, satisfaction.




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