  • 學位論文


The Development and Practice of Social Dialogue in Taiwan while Amending the Labor Union Act: Labor Union Perspective

指導教授 : 馬財專


早在1919年國際勞工組織(ILO)成立之初,即有勞資政三方進行社會對話的觀念,其內涵為:政府、雇主和勞工代表之間,或是其中二者之間,針對經濟、社會政策有關之共同利益議題,所進行之任何形式的協商、諮商或意見交換。 我國在2003年開始規劃社會對話機制推動計畫,2006年之後,政府更積極協助辦理全國層級和產業層級的社會對話。有鑑於歐洲聯盟在進行勞動立法議題時,有納入社會夥伴意見之機制。若我國能參照國外經驗,在工會法修正時,採用社會對話的方式廣納勞雇團體意見,並依此建立立法方向、內容,可謂為我國勞動立法上的一大突破。 本文首先以文獻分析蒐集社會對話與臺灣社會對話發展等相關資料,再輔以深度訪談法,由社會夥伴中工會方的經驗來彌補文獻的不足,由參與人員的觀點,了解工會法修訂過程中社會對話的實踐之情況,並藉檢視其中進行社會對話所遇之困境,提供未來改善臺灣社會對話制度的方向。 研究發現,在臺灣工會法修訂期間,並未有勞資政三方進行社會對話的情況。儘管中間有進行公聽會,針對修法部分做討論,但因工會法推動的時程等因素,導致相關爭議並無法於此次修法一併得到解決。另外,有鑒於此次工會在討論修法議題上所遇到的困境,若臺灣社會對話制度要持續發展,在對話結果的法規範性、社會對話的制度,包括如何選擇參與的社會夥伴、討論議題的相關資訊、社會對話的平台建立,以及參與者的態度上,都還有能發展和改善的空間。若能做出改變,儘管此次工會法修訂過程中社會對話的實踐並不如預期,但仍能期待社會對話制度落地開花的一天。


工會法 社會夥伴 社會對話


As early as 1919, the International Labour Organization (ILO) was first established, that carried the concept of Tripartite social dialogue. Social dialogue as defined by the ILO includes all types of negotiation, consultation or exchange of information between, or among, representatives of governments, employers and workers, on issues relating to economic and social policy, including child labor, and to terms and conditions of work and employment. The government in Taiwan began to plan the program to promote social dialogue in 2003, and assist the national-level social dialogue and industrial level after 2006. Given the opinion of the social partners was included when talk about the issues of labor legislation. Therefore, if we can widely gather the opinion of the work and employment group through social dialogue, it would be a major breakthrough. This paper attempts to find out whether there had hold social dialogue conference, and how the social partners involved in the case through the perspective of union. Moreover, when the dialogue was stuck, how can union overcome it. Results from this study, there has not been carried out tripartite social dialogue during the time when the labor union act was amended. Even so, if we can make some improvement, such as normative the outcomes of social dialogue, change the attitude of the participants, develop the dialogue system, including how to choose the participate social partners, the information, and the platform of social dialogue. We can look forward to the development of social dialogue in Taiwan.


Berndt Keller and Bernd Sorries, “Sectoral social dialogues : new opportunities or more impasses”, Industrial Relations Journal, 1999, p. 330~344.
Lane Kenworthy and Bernhard Kittel,“Indicators of Social Dialogue: Concepts and Measurements”,Geneva : International Labour Office,2003.
Tayo Fashoyin,“Tripartite cooperation, social dialogue and national development”, International Labour Review, Vol. 143, No. 4, 2004, p. 341-370.


