  • 學位論文


The Proved and Practiced of Taiwan Historical Field: The Case Study in 10 Examples of Postwar Taiwan

指導教授 : 楊維真 顏尚文


在探索歷史的議題和研究的過程當中,透過「田野調查」的方法走進歷史的時空場域,另一方面藉由口述歷史的訪談中重現了歷史的記憶,更因親臨現場之後連結了現在與過去的想像,這些實際而深刻的親身體驗,是筆者從事歷史人文研究時的重要收穫。尤其是在當前歷史學與人類學,或其他社會科學領域的交流關係越趨緊密之下,甚至連同數位媒體科技的融入應用,從事歷史研究的方法已經越趨多元而務實。因此,筆者嘗試一方面加強歷史田野的認識,另一方面再將過去所執行的田野案例與經歷,來檢證與實踐田野調查研究方法的反思與檢討,故而開展了本文的研究命題。 關於本文的研究是以個人過去所執行的十個案例作為基礎,至於這些案例都是屬於戰後的台灣歷史,同時主題與性質相當多元而豐富,較具特色者是調查主題對象與受訪者,是來自多元文化與族群,例如跟隨政府撤退來臺的退除役官兵(榮民)、臺灣民間走唱的念歌仔藝人、南臺灣前輩畫家的親屬與關係人士、臺灣玻璃工藝文化產業的業者,以及花蓮地區原住民部落的工藝家等等。透過歷史田野的角度出發,從質性研究探索田野調查的學理,包括調查過程中所涉及到的參與觀察與深度訪談工作;然後奠定在田野調查的成果基礎之上,不僅可以從訪談與口述中尋回了被人遺忘的珍貴歷史記憶,同時不論是調查的對象主題、或是調查記錄的成果本身,都是在為當前文化資產做好典藏,或是為日後留下文化資產的珍貴研究素材。 當田野調查工作的經歷不斷地累積,而數位媒體科技又帶來了許多虛擬與建構的幻象,於是實際的田野工作反而成為反思與查證的最佳途徑。另外面臨當前產業型態的多樣化,有關數位內容產業與多媒體產品設計的開發中,亟需具有深度意涵的歷史人文素材,換言之以身為歷史人文研究的田野調查工作者來說,正好是數位內容產業與多媒體設計的素材提供者,進一步來說就是所謂的歷史知識產出。


We might go into the historical field through the field study in the process of exploring the historical topic and research; on the other hand we might re-appear the historical memory by oral history work. And also we might link some imagine from now to the past because we have visited the sites of historical events. Above the practical experience is my important result to help myself to study History. Especially the exchange relations of History, Anthropology, or other Social Sciences are much closer than before, even the applications which have been integrated by digital media technology. So the research methods of History have turned toward the trend of multivariate and pragmatic way. Therefore, I try to understand deeply what the historical field is; on the other hand I want to review and reflect the proved and practiced about the field research method base on my executed case and experience. So I begin my research topic of this article. About this article is based on my 10 cases which I have executed field study works before. As for these cases all belong to the postwar of Taiwan history and there are many kinds of subjects in them. Especially it is most featured that the investigatory objects and respondents from very different culture and ethnic. For example: the legionnaires (Veterans) came from Mainland China retreated to Taiwan with KMT government, the local singer of Taiwanese traditional narrative and musical performance, the relatives or relationship men of famous Taiwan senior painter in southern Taiwan, the industries of Taiwan glass craft cultural industry, as well as the indigenous craft works of aboriginal tribes in Hualien county, and so on. Above of them I start my research from the angle of historical field and I explore the theoretical foundation of field study by Qualitative Research, including the methods of Participant Observation and In-depth Interview in the process of investigation and research. It’s base on the achievements of these cases, I do not only find out the precious forgotten historical memory by interview of oral history work, but prepare the collection in advance or valuable research material in the future of Cultural Heritage from the investigatory objects or records. Now day the digital media technology has brought many illusions of virtual and construction from the truth when I constantly accumulate the experience of field study work. Because of this trend, the actual field study work has become the best way to reflect and check out the illusion is true or not. In addition when we face the variety of industrial patterns about the R&D for digital content industry and multimedia design, we find the point that they need more deep and meaningful historical and humanistic material to be source of content very much. In other words, the field study workers of historical and cultural just are the material providers for above industries. Furthermore that is the so-call “Output of Historical Knowledge”.


24.Peter Burke(江政寬譯),《歷史學與社會理論(History and Social Theory)》(臺北市:麥田出版,2002年/原著1992年出版)。
16.Keith Jenkins(江政寬譯),《後現代歷史學:從卡耳和艾爾頓到羅逖與懷特(On ”What is History” From Carr and Elton to Rorty and White)》(臺北市:麥田出版,2001年/原著1995年出版)。
1. Asa Briggs, Peter Burke(李明顯、施盈廷、楊秀娟譯),《最新大眾傳播史-從古騰堡到網際網路的時代(A Social History of the Media: From Gutenberg to the Internet)》(臺北市:韋伯文化國際出版,2006年/原著2002年出版)
8. 陳奕愷,<張啟華《高雄風景》(1966)之空間構成研究-以數位虛擬實境之探索方式為例>(收錄於《臺灣前輩畫家張啟華百年紀念暨第六屆亞洲藝術學會臺北年會國際學術研討會論文集》。臺北市:臺灣美學藝術學學會,2009年)。
