  • 學位論文


Internet Trading Consumer Protection prospect

指導教授 : 曾品傑


現今網路發達,網路交易日漸頻繁,但在網路交易的過程之中,牽涉的法律層面具有多向性。本文首先介紹網路交易體制,討論何謂網路交易,從網路交易的主體客體及締約方式加以闡述,比較網路交易與傳統交易不同之處,我國消費者保護法將網路交易歸納於郵購買賣之範圍,但適用上仍有許多值得討論的地方。 接著探討網路交易契約之成立與生效要件及網路上廣告性質,並進一步從我國實務案例去討論,企業經營者設立網路商店供消費者購買商品,但網路商店中貨物標價因人為疏忽或機器設備故障,導致商品價格標錯而消費者卻下單購買商品,面對標錯價之情況,企業經營者是否需要履行契約交付商品,同時應考慮到對消費者權益應如何保障。 網路交易都是適用定型化契約,與一般經雙方磋商所產生之契約不同,因定型化契約當中條款都是由企業經營者事先擬定,勢必對消費者較不利,因此中央主管機關對於網路交易定型化契約為適當的管制,如此一來,才能保障消費者權益不受定型化契約條款之侵害。 現行消費者保護法在網路交易部分,保障消費者權益略顯不足,現行法不足之處應效法歐盟消費者權利指令進行修法,要求企業經營者須主動提供商品或服務之消費資訊,使消費者在締結交易契約之前,能謹慎評估風險,避免做出錯誤之交易行為。但網路交易模式逐漸複雜,最終還是要針對網路交易設立專法,才能有效全面性保障網路交易安全。


Due to the widespread use of internet technology, nowadays internet transactions become more and more prevailing. However, the wole internet- transaction process involves multidirectional legal aspects. This article firstly introduces internet-transaction mechanism and clarify what actually internet transactions are. After that, this article elaborates on the subject, object, and the way contracts entered into of transactions on internet, and then compare the differences between traditional transactions and internet transactions. Though Consumer Protection Law in Taiwan characterized internet transactions as a type of mail-order sale, there are still many problems need to be addressed. Secondly, this article deals with the requirements of formation and effectiveness of internet-transaction contracts as well as the nature of internet advertising. Furthermore, taking consumer protection into account, this article examines cases where products mispriced by business on internet shop due to the negligence of employee and malfunction of electronic equipment to see whether the business owner has the duty to fulfill the order placed by consumers during the periods of mispriced from the point of view of Taiwan legal practice. As internet transactions adopts standard form contracts which is set up by business owner in advance when concluding contracts, it is highly potential to do harm to consumers. Therefore, the central competent authority for Internet transactions must take supervision measures against standard form contracts to protect consumers. The current Consumer Protection Law is insufficient in ensuring consumer rights concerning Internet Transactions. As a consequence, It should take the Directive on Consumer Rights 2011/83/EC as reference, requiring business to provide information of goods and services initiatively so that consumers can carefully evaluate the risks before concluding contracts and avoid undesirable transactions. Nevertheless, with the more and more complex internet-transaction modes, there is need to codify the law specialized in internet transactions to effectively safeguard the consumer rights in internet transactions.


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12 行政院消費者保護委員會98年4月17日發布「違反定型化契約應記載或不得記載事項將有罰則」新聞稿。
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