  • 學位論文


Participating Motivations, Constraint Factors, and Coping Strategies of Enduring Involvement among the Middle-Aged Regular Tennis Participants

指導教授 : 曾沈連魁


本研究目的在了解中年規律網球參與者之參與動機、阻礙因素以及持續涉入因應策略。採質性研究方式,以抽樣飽和理論訪談16位中年規律網球運動之參與者。以半結構式訪談及文件分析蒐集資料,所得資料以開放性編碼與主軸編碼的方式,持續歸納、比較及分析。結果發現中年規律網球參與者參與動機包括健康體適能、社會支持、壓力調適及自我實現;阻礙因素包括個人性阻礙、人際性阻礙及結構性阻礙;持續涉入因應策略包括接受挑戰、精進技術、委身投入及球伴激勵與協助。本研究發現中年規律網球參與者之參與動機會隨著低層次的需求滿足後,進而追求更高層次的需求,這些需求能持續使參與者具備參與之動機。阻礙因素部份其最普遍的為個人性阻礙中的身體狀態因素。持續涉入因應策略部份則針對不同的阻礙進行因應,並循序漸進地克服阻礙進而達到持續涉入的狀態,可做為其他網球參與者學習的典範。本研究釐清中年規律網球參與者之參與動機、阻礙因素及持續涉入因應策略的內涵及概念,將有助於民眾養成規律網球運動的習慣,以及推廣網球運動的政策擬定,以及未來從事規律網球運動的相關研究。 關鍵字:參與動機、中年危機、規律運動、質性研究


The purpose of this study was to explore the participating motivation, constraint factors, and coping strategies of enduring involvement among the middle-aged regular tennis participants. Based on the theoretical saturated, sixteen middle-aged and regular tennis participants were interviewed by judgment sampling and using semi-structured interview. All of the data were rearranged, induced, compared, and analyzed by open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The results of this study indicated that the participating motivations of middle-aged tennis participants included health-related fitness, social support, stress adjustment and self-realization. Constraint factors included intrapersonal constraint, interpersonal constraint and structural constraint. On the other hand, coping strategies of enduring involvement included accept challenges, upgrading skill, committed investment and encouragement and assistance of companions. Middle-aged regular tennis participants will pursue a higher level of needs when the low-level needs are satisfied. These needs make them have the motives continuously. The most general constraint is the physical state of intrapersonal constraint. The coping strategies of enduring involvement could be directed against different constraint, and be the paragons to other tennis participants. The result of this study clarifies the formation process of participating motives, constraint factors of middle-aged regular tennis participants, and figures out how they overcome them and their enduring involvement. It also could help others to form a habit of tennis, and the policies establishing of tennis promotion. Ultimately, the study could be reference resources to other tennis research. Key words: Participating Motives, Midlife Crisis, Regular Exercise, Qualitative Research


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