  • 學位論文

Improved Algorithms for Bundling Edges in Social Networks

Improved Algorithms for Bundling Edges in Social Networks

指導教授 : 吳邦一


面對現在資料量越來越多的情況下,研究如何將一張有點有邊的社群網絡,讓使用者可以得到自己想要的重點,這樣的研究越來越重要。 在Circular layout中,指的是把一張關係圖上的點均勻地放置在圓周上,讓使用著容易閱讀圖是最常討論的議題之一。在先前的研究當中建議三個技術讓圖降低密度及改善可讀性,第一個演算法是利用放點降低邊的總長度、第二個演算法把邊往圓外拉降低圓內的密度以及第三個演算法利用綑綁的效果讓有關係的兩群點可以標示出來。我們研究的目標是下降總長度而呈現較好的圖。我們建議一個放點以及兩個綑綁邊的演算法,放點的演算法可提升捆綁的數目而降低圖的總長度,兩個綑綁邊的演算法可以降低圖的總長度,如此可提升圖的可讀性。 關鍵詞:社群網路、分群、畫圖


分群 社群網路 畫圖


As the data gets bigger and bigger, it is more and more important to develop visualization algorithms to help users to find what they want in social networks. Circular graph layout is a drawing method where all nodes are averagely placed on the perimeter of a circle. One of the most important issues is how to improve the readability. In a previous research, researches suggested three algorithms to reduce the density and improve the readability. The first algorithm determines the placement of vertices to reduce the total edge length. The second algorithm routes some edges around the exterior of the cycle. The third algorithm couples some edges together as bundled splines. In this study, our main goal is to decrease total edge length to present better graph drawing. We present an algorithm of vertices placement and two bundling algorithms. Vertices placement can increase the number of bundlings and decrease total length. The two bundling algorithms can decrease total edge length to draw better graphs. Keywords:Social networks; Cluster; Graph drawing


Graph Drawing Cluster Social Networks


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