  • 學位論文

資訊科技服務品質與顧客忠誠度: 結合線上與線下之觀點

The Information Technology Service Quality and Customer Loyalty:Combine the View of Online and Offline

指導教授 : 葉耕榕


服務品質一直是許多學者關注的議題,從過去實體商店到現今虛擬網路上的服務品質都有熱烈的討論。而之前的研究也證實服務品質的好壞會直接影響顧客的滿意度,並且滿意度也是顧客忠誠度的重要指標。然而在行動裝置與網際網路發達的現在,交易型態已從過去單一線下或線上的模式逐漸轉變為線上與線下混合交易的模式。但過往服務品質的探討都只專注在單一的線上或是線下情境之下,很少有同時結合兩者來看其服務品質。 並且現在電子商務已慢慢朝Online to Offline(O2O)的交易型態發展,服務品質應該同時包含線上以及線下才是完整的交易過程。也因為過去的研究缺少此部分的探討,因此本研究希望能針對O2O的概念來創造出一個O2O服務品質量測模型。並以縱貫性研究(Longitudinal Research)的方式,來看O2O的整個交易過程,藉此讓企業了解消費者在購物過程中,是會注重在線上或是線下的哪方面,又或是兩方面都會注重,並能針對不足的地方來加強與改善,以此提升顧客滿意度並創造出顧客忠誠度,並達到企業永續經營的可能性。


Service quality has been an issue of concern to many scholars, which from physical store to virtual network has a deeply discussion. And the past study not only confirmed service quality could affect customer satisfaction, but also customer loyalty. However, mobile devices and Internet have developed now, trading type already from a single type like online or offline to the mixed pattern. But the past study of service quality only focus on online or offline, which were less combine them together discuss service quality. And E-commerce has developed towards to O2O’s trading type, service quality should contain online and offline so that trading process could be complete. Because the past study about this part were lack, in this study hope for the concept O2O to create a O2O service quality measurements model. And using Longitudinal Research method to Observe entire O2O trading process. Thereby allow companies to understand the consumer in the trading process, which part should focus on. Then companies could enhance and improve deficiencies to promote customer satisfaction and create customer loyalty. Finally achieve business sustainable development.


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