  • 學位論文


The Cause of Government Officials' Law Violation and The Prevention Policy:Perspective from Government Ethics Officials

指導教授 : 楊士隆


本研究旨在探討公務員從事犯罪和違章亂紀行為之成因。藉由瞭解公務員犯罪者具備的個人特質和生活背景,以及影響其行為的外在環境和內在心理因素等深層原因,建議政府實施恰當的預防措施來進行犯罪防治,並透過法規和品德教育,提升公務員的素質。 本研究採用質性訪談法,利用半結構式訪談作為研究工具,以服務多年之廉政人員為訪談對象,共訪談9位廉政人員,依據其實務工作經驗,詢問其對公務員犯罪現象之看法,以及對目前法律和政策之意見,並以現象學內容分析法歸納、整合和分析訪談資料。研究結果發現公務員犯罪者多具有喜好交際、生活不正常、男女交往關係複雜、喜好賭博、易被說服及法治觀念差等特質,且以男性犯罪者為多,而業務類型多屬採購、工程等性質,官等和服務年資皆與其犯罪樣態有關,且高官等和擔任主管職務之公務員,犯罪手法較高明;機關的環境和對金錢需求的壓力也會影響公務員從事犯罪或違章亂紀行為;此外,目前防治公務員犯罪之法律和政策須全面發展,同時重視防貪和肅貪工作。最後,研究者提出防治公務員犯罪五項政策建議,包含針對不同機關和不同業務設計廉政教育課程、編纂機關常見業務缺失態樣案例集、機關風險業務主管承擔連帶責任、因地制宜設計防貪宣導活動及關心與教育生活違常之公務員。


犯罪 犯罪防治 公務員 廉政人員


This study was designed to investigate the causes of civil servants whom commit crimes and not abide by the law. By understanding criminal civil servants’ personal characteristics, backgrounds and the external environment and internal psychological elements which cause them commit to crime;The research try to recommend the government to implement appropriate precautions to crime prevention. And regulation and moral education should be conducted into practice in order to enhance the quality of civil servants. This study employs qualitative interviews, utilizing a semi-structured interview as a research tool, totally 9 government ethics officials are interviewed. Based on their practical work experiences, discussing their points of views of the cases of civil servants who violate the law , as well as offering comments on the current laws and policies. Finally, the researcher utilizes phenomenological content analysis to induction, consolidation and analysis of interview data. The result indicates that civil servants who go against law are usually sociable, gambling addicted, easily persuaded and lack of good concept of laws abiding, and their life is irregular with complex interactions with opposite gender. There are more male criminal civil servants than female ones. And most types of occupation of these civil servants are procurement operations and engineering business. Moreover, the positions and the length of service time related to the crime types-officials and superintendents’ illegal modes are more sophisticated. The environments of public department and the need for money also induce civil servants to do the wrong things. Besides, the laws and policies of crime prevention should be more comprehensive. Finally, the researcher recommends appropriate policies including designing moral educational courses and activities, compiling the volumes of crime cases, increasing the responsibility of the directors and caring for civil servants who tend to show misconduct.


Crime Crime prevention Civil servant Ethics official


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