  • 學位論文


The Progress and Difficult of Interesting Between Junior High School Teacher-counselor and Involuntary Clients

指導教授 : 陳慈幸


本研究旨在探討國中專任輔導教師對於非自願個案之輔導歷程與挑戰,透過質性研究方式,以扎根理論為研究方法進行系統性的研究,蒐集相關訪談資料後進行資料文本之分析,以反映國中專任輔導教師在非自願個案輔導工作之現狀。 本研究發現結果如下: 一、 非自願個案所佔之比例在學校所接觸之個案幾乎有八成以上甚至全部輔導個案皆為本研究定義之非自願個案。 二、 非自願個案被轉介至輔導室之原因多為:中輟拒學、性別議題、性平事件、行為偏差、家暴案件、兒少保護案件、人際關係不佳、犯罪行為、自傷事件。 三、 非自願個案輔導挫折與困境:1.受訓背景較少有非自願個案相關輔導技巧與觀念訓練;2.個案沉默、抗拒、不配合的困境個案讓受訪者感到挫折;3.與其他輔導資源的溝通聯繫會影響輔導工作進行;4.個案狀態的變動難以評估其為自願或者非自願;5.輔導工作的倫理議題影響輔導工作進行;6.校內教師對於專任輔導教師工作的期待。 本研究建議如下: 一、 增加國中專任輔導教師在非自願個案輔導相關技巧訓練 二、 落實非自願個案的三級輔導工作,將系統工作概念列入必須執行之輔導工作 三、 提升非輔導專業教師之輔導知能,以及專任輔導教師特教知能 四、 減少雙重關係對輔導工作的影響


The research investigates the process and challenge of psychological service between junior high school teacher-counselor and involuntary clients. By qualitative researching way, the theory is basic on grounded theory as the researching way to do systematic research. After collecting the data of interview, analyze the data and it will show the situation of psychological service between junior high school teacher-counselor and involuntary clients. The result of the research: A. It’s about 80% to 100% of clients are involuntary clients, with the definition of the research. B. The reason why involuntary clients transfer to counselor’s room: Dropouts, gender issue, gender equality, worst behavior, domestic violence, child and youth protection, bad relationship, crime, self-wounding. C. The frustration and obstacle of investigate involuntary clients 1. Weak background of skill and concept training of psychological service. 2. Clients keep silent, refuse and don’t coordinate make interviewee frustrated. 3. The contact with other investigating resources influences the process. 4. The changing of clients situation is hard to evaluate it is a volunteer or not. 5. The theory influences the process. 6. The domestic teachers’ expect to teacher-counselor. The advice: A. Strengthen the teacher-counselors’ skills to involuntary clients B. Implement involuntary clients’ 3-level counseling division, and take systematic work concept into the routine. C. Increase general teachs’ knowledge and ability, and teacher-counselor special knowledge and ability. D. Decrease the double relationship influence to the work.


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