  • 學位論文


Empirical Research on the Influence of Police Officers‘ Workplace Cognition and Work Determined

指導教授 : 戴伸峰


本研究旨在了解員警之個人變項對警察工作層面認知、待遇層面認知、自我警察觀感形象認知及職責使命感與向心力之差異影響,以及上開各心理主觀因素與職責使命感及向心力之相關性。在研究方法上,以研究者自身曾經服務過之警察機關(彰化縣警察局、南投縣政府警察局)的內、外勤員警,作為本次研究的樣本。施測方式採不具名問卷調查法之方式進行,共計發出332份問卷,刪除填答不完全或漏答、亂答者共55份,所得問卷共277份,回收率為83.43%。問卷經過描述性統計、探索式因素分析、單因子變異量分析及皮爾森積差相關、逐步迴歸等統計分法,進行統計分析與檢驗,研究結果發現如下: 一、在性別差異方面,男性員警比女性員警在工作待遇、職業尊嚴及工作熱情認知上較為負面消極。 二、在婚姻差異方面,已婚員警比未婚員警在工作待遇、工作熱情認知上較為負面消極,而未婚員警對於職業眷戀度較高。 三、在年齡差異方面,45-47歲(工作倦怠期)相較於其他年齡組別員警對於內部官僚、工作待遇、職業尊嚴及工作熱情和態度均較負面消極。而48歲以上員警在工作態度及職業眷戀度上均高於其他年齡組別。而23-37歲員警認為工作受支援度最高。 四、在職別差異方面,基層員警相較於警官幹部在內部官僚、工作繁瑣、職業尊嚴、工作熱情和態度認知上較為負面消極。而警官幹部在工作態度及職業眷戀度上最高。 五、在工作性質差異方面,外勤員警相較於內勤員警在工作繁瑣、工作熱情與態度上均較負面消極。 六、在從警年資差異方面,從警23-26年(徬徨期)相較於其他年資組別,在內部官僚、工作待遇、工作熱情程度上均較負面消極。而年資27年以上工作態度及職業眷戀度上最高。年資1-9年在認為工作受支援度最高。 七、任職學歷(內、外軌)差異方面,外軌員警相較於內軌員警,在工作待遇及態度上均較負面消極。惟在工作受支援認知上高於內軌員警。 八、任職機關差異方面,彰化縣警察局員警在非專責工作認知上高於南投縣政府警察局員警。而南投縣政府警察局員警工作熱情度最低。 九、工作層面形象認知、工作待遇認知、自我警察觀感形象認知及工作使命感與向心力皆有顯著相關。 十、在各變項之間的關係上,個人變項、工作層面形象認知、工作待遇認知、自我警察觀感形象認知對工作使命感與向心力均具有預測力。 十一、本研究最後根據相關實證分析結果與研究者實務經驗,指出目前警政在實務上面臨的困境與盲點,並針對研究結論提出相關具體建議。


The study aims to understand the significant differences from demographic of citizens to cognition of police tasks, salary, responsibility, coherence, and cognition by media experience. The sample of the research was the office and field duty police officers that researcher serviced police department( Changhua County Police Department、Nantou County Police Bureau) .The method was processed with anonymous questionnaire that send out 332 questionnaires. Deleting the inappropriate questionnaires, researcher finally got 277 questionnaires (recycling rate is 83.43%). According to analysis of empirical data by described statistics, EFA , one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and step-wise regression, the conclusions of research are as follows. In gendered distinct, male police officers had more degree of negative cognition of salary, dignity and passion than female police officers. In marriage distinct, police officers with marriage had more degree of negative cognition of salary, passion, and police officers without marriage had more sentimentally attached to occupation. In difference of age, 45-47 years old of police officers had more degree of negative cognition of bureaucrat, salary, dignity, passion and attitude than other age. However, above 48 years old of police officers had more sentimentally attached to occupation than other age. But, 23-37 years old of police officers offer more support to others than other age. In difference official rank, basic level police officers had more degree of negative cognition of bureaucrat, complicate work, dignity and attitude than senior police officers. In addition, senior police officers had the highest sentimentally attached to occupation. In difference of job functions, field duty police officers had more degree of negative cognition of complicate work, passion of work and attitude than office duty police officers. In seniority of police officer distinct, 23-26 seniority of police officers had more degree of negative cognition of bureaucrat, salary, passion of work than other age. And, above 27 seniority of police officers had the highest attitude and sentimentally attached to occupation. In addition, 1-9 seniority of police officers had the highest support to others. In difference of educational background(study Central Police University and Taiwan Police College or not study Central Police University and Taiwan Police College), not study Central Police University and Taiwan Police College of police officers had more degree of negative cognition of salary and attitude than study Central Police University and Taiwan Police College of police officers. But, not study Central Police University and Taiwan Police College of police officers had more support to others. In difference of government organization, police officers of Changhua County Police Department had more cognition of non-specific responsibility work than Nantou County Police Bureau. But police officers of Nantou County Police Bureau had the lowest passion of work. There is significant statistical relationship among cognition of work image, salary, police image, responsibility and coherence. On relationships among every variables, there are predictions between demographic of citizens, cognition of work image, salary, police image, responsibility and coherence. Finally, with conclusions and practical experience from researcher, the work points out the difficulties of police policy and makes practical concreted suggestions.


陳建立、汪秀玲、洪純隆(2003)。主治醫師待遇與組織成長-個案研究.醫務管理期刊,4 (2),124-141。
李品毅(2014)。警察機關勤區查察處理系統運作狀況之研究- 以雲林縣警察局為例。國立中正大學碩士犯罪防治研究所碩士在職專班碩士論文。
