  • 學位論文


Involvement of Escort Service in Illegal Conducts – Case Study of a Local City

指導教授 : 楊士隆


台灣現行特定行業中,視廳歌唱業本為國人經常前往休閒歡唱之娛樂場所,自1990年代以來,出現馬伕及傳播人員攬客陪唱坐檯文化。近來經媒體報導,某縣市連鎖性視聽歌唱有傳播人員打扮時尚豔麗,隨處而坐等上工,占據營業大廳,供客人選擇陪唱宛如『人肉市場』,衍生暴力鬥毆、毒品交易、幫派圍事及酒醉女子性侵害(性騷擾,俗稱撿屍)等不法行為,對於社會治安及民眾觀感影響甚鉅。 本研究採取質性研究法,以深度訪談及立意取樣方法,訪談目前在○○市4家視聽歌唱業,從事媒介陪唱傳播業者及男、女傳播人員7名,另訪談具異質性之刑事偵查隊幹部、掃黑組成員、臺北市夜店殺警案偵查佐、派出所所長、資深巡佐及警員計6名,視聽歌唱KTV業者2名及某縣市政府經濟發展局人員1名等共計16名,增進對此一行業衍生不法行為各種面向之了解,並提出相關研擬對策與建議。 本研究發現,國內連鎖式視聽歌唱業等娛樂場所,有馬伕及傳播人員盤據媒介傳播人員坐檯陪唱,並非某縣市特有現象,在此種娛樂場所毒品及藥物濫用助興情形有增加趨勢。此外,目前國內就「馬伕及傳播人員攬客陪唱行為」並無相關法規加以規範,以致衍生幫派圍事、暴力滋事、性侵害、性騷擾及酒後駕車等不法行為,主管機關應即研訂具體規範,要求業者落實自主管理,以防制視聽歌唱業、夜店等夜間營業之場所,一再發生聚眾鬥毆影響社會治安情事發生。 治本之道,政府應妥為研議訂定營業場所專法,與直轄市、縣市政府特定行業管理政策充分接軌,以建構國內娛樂產業發展配套,俾強化該場域安全管理規範,防止視聽歌唱KTV「染黑、染毒、染黃」,提供國人一個乾淨健康和正當休閒的娛樂場所。


Cabarets, amongst the special businesses in Taiwan today, are the entertainment places where people go to relax and enjoy. Since 1990s, escort service has started to emerge as pimps and escort girls showed up on the floor. Recent news reports have indicated that there are loudly dressed escort girls at several chain karaoke places as locally known, in a local city. They just sit around at the lobby and waiting to be chosen by customers to sing with them, as if it was a “market of human flesh.” However, illegal conducts arise from such activities, including violent fights, drug deals, gangster negotiations and sexual assault on drunken women (sexual harassment, or “body pickup” as locally referred to), which cause serious problems for the society in general and concerns of the public. Qualitative Research was adopted in this study. In-depth interviews and purposive sampling were employed on 4 karaoke places in the local city of study and 7 male and female members of the escort service. In addition, 6 law enforcement members of heterogeneous nature, including a crime investigation officer, a member of organized crime investigation unit, a sergeant who participated in the investigation of police officer murder in Taipei, the director of local police station, a senior patrol officer and a policeman, were interviewed. The interview also covered 2 owners of KTV and an officer from Department of Economic Development of the local city of study. In total 16 were interviewed for better understanding of the illegal behaviors derived from this trade of business and as an attempt to propose strategies and suggestions. It is found that pimps and escort girls present at chain cabarets and karaoke places soliciting their service in not unique to the local city of study. Increased abuse of narcotics and drugs is detected in such entertainment places. Since there is no law regulating the “singing escort by pimps and escort girls,” illegal conducts arise from such behaviors, including gangster negotiation, violence crime, sexual assault, sexual harassment and drunk and drive. The authority should develop a defined set of rules to ask these business owners to establish self-management, as to prevent crimes of violence and disturbance of society at karaoke places, night clubs and other businesses that open late at night. To deal with this once and for all, it is the government’s responsibility to develop a dedicated set of legislation specifically for these business places and seamlessly connect with the management policies of municipalities and local administrations for special business in order to construct a development package for domestic entertainment industry, enhance the safety management specifications for this domain, keep karaoke places from gangster crimes, drugs and sex trades, and give people of Taiwan a clear, healthy and legitimate place of entertainment.


