  • 學位論文

憂鬱反芻注意力範圍理論初探: 憂鬱情緒與注意力範圍對反芻反應之影響

Investigating the Attentional Scope Model of Rumination: The Effects of Depressive Mood and Attentional Scope on Ruminative Response

指導教授 : 鄧閔鴻


憂鬱反芻指的是個體的注意力重複、被動地專注在個人的憂鬱情緒、症狀,以及這些症狀的意義、可能的原因和它所帶來的結果(Nolen-Hoeksema, Wisco, & Lyubomirsky, 2008)。憂鬱反芻對於情緒及認知功能皆有不良的影響,但目前對於憂鬱反芻歷程的認知機制尚未明瞭。Whitmer與Gotlib(2013)提出的憂鬱反芻注意力範圍理論,認為個體間注意力範圍的差異,以及情緒對注意力範圍和思考內容的影響,可能與憂鬱反芻(rumination)的持續、重複負向思考內容的認知歷程有關。該理論假設憂鬱情緒及個體注意力範圍的個別差異將使注意力範圍窄化,因而持續處理已被注意的負向訊息序列,因而形成重複、持續的憂鬱反芻思考模式。本研究主要目的為用實驗典範嘗試驗證憂鬱反芻注意力範圍理論,探討注意力範圍個別差異以及在憂鬱情緒下是否會增加參與者進行反芻反應的可能性。本研究參與者為大學學生,隨機分派接受憂鬱/中性情緒操弄(情緒誘發影片),並以注意力範圍作業表現區分出寬、窄注意力範圍參與者。參與者總共分為四種實驗情境:注意力範圍窄-憂鬱情緒組9位(女性7位)、注意力範圍窄-中性情緒組4位(女性1位)、注意力範圍寬-憂鬱情緒組7位(女性4位)、以及注意力範圍寬-中性情緒組6位(女性5位) 。本研究以短暫反芻型自我聚焦量表,以及中文反應風格量表修訂短版之當下版兩自陳式問卷做為評估參與者反芻反應之指標,所有參與者將在實驗前(注意力範圍作業前)、中(注意力範圍作業後,情緒操弄前)、後期(情緒操弄後)等階段填寫上述問卷來測量其當下反芻反應程度;而後以變異數分析檢驗憂鬱情緒以及注意力範圍個別差異對於參與者在反芻反應程度之影響。研究結果顯示,相較於接受中性情緒操弄,接受憂鬱情緒操弄的參與者顯著增加憂鬱情緒;而反芻反應方面,憂鬱反芻風格顯著影響參與者當下的反芻反應程度,但憂鬱情緒及注意力範圍兩因素對參與者的反芻反應未有顯著之影響;另外注意力範圍窄化指數與憂鬱反芻風格並未有顯著的關聯性。本研究相較於Grol等人(2015),在注意力範圍作業中皆使用真字代表自我及非自我相關訊息,並控制了字頻及筆劃數,而可能使注意力範圍作業難度過高,無法有效鑑別出注意力範圍的個別差異。另外參與者預期效果、情緒操弄方式及設計,以及樣本特性可能影響憂鬱情緒對反芻反應的效果。


Depressive rumination is a mode of responding to distress that involves repetitively and passively focusing on symptoms of distress and on the possible causes, implications and consequences of these symptoms(Nolen-Hoeksema et al., 2008). Although depressive rumination exacerbates negative mood and impairs cognitive function, it remains unclear which mechanisms underlie depressive rumination. Whitmer and Gotlib (2013) postulate that a narrow attentional scope, which reflects the inherent individual differences or caused by depressive mood, will limit the array of thoughts, percepts, and actions. This may increases the likelihood that thoughts become repetitive. In the present study we aimed to investigate the attentional scope model of rumination empirically. We tested whether the individual differences in attentional scope and negative mood would increase the likelihood of rumination response. All participants in this study were university students, divided by the performance of the attentional breadth task and mood manipulation(emotional film clip) into four groups, including narrower attentional scope with sad mood manipulation(2 males and 7 females), narrower attentional scope with neutral mood manipulation(3 males and 1 females), broader attentional scope with sad mood manipulation(3 males and 4 females), broader attentional scope with neutral mood manipulation(1 males and 5 females). All participants completed Chinese Response Style Questionnaire-short form-revised-momentary(CRSQ-SFRM) and Momentary Ruminative Self-focus Inventory(MRSI) as the measures of ruminative response at following 3 stages: T0(before attentional breadth task), T1(after attentional breadth task), and T2(after mood manipulation). The result showed that compared to the neutral mood manipulation, participants with sad mood manipulation exacerbated negative mood significantly, especially in high narrow attentional scope. Ruminative style was significantly related to ruminative response, however there were no significant differences in ruminative response between four groups. Compared Grol et al.,(2015), our study used true word to represent self-related / other-related information and we also controlled the word frequency and stroke counts in the attentional breadth task. As a result, it might make attentional breadth task so hard that it could not distinguish the individual difference in attentional scope effectively. Furthermore, there were some factors, including demand effect, mood manipulation process, and participant characteristics that might influence the effect of negative mood on the ruminative response.


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