  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan Granary System in Qing Dynasty

指導教授 : 耿慧玲 江寶釵


康熙領臺後在臺灣廣設倉廒,乾隆時更達興建高峰。本文針對倉廒為何?何以設置?又何以在臺灣隨著土地的向南、北兩方面的墾拓而放緩增建速度,乃至於割臺前後的方志中更呈現臺灣倉廒數量遽減等狀況做一論述。 臺灣倉廒為儲穀而設置。其儲穀除供本地之用外,也在於供福建平糶及供福建、金門等地兵米、眷米所需。為保證運送米穀到福建的穩定性,而有臺運相關規定,換句話說,倉廒設置為裨益民生,不同屬性的倉廒,在倉儲制度中各有其不同的地位,負責不同的任務,達到各自特殊的貢獻。而只要朝廷制度完備,預期目的與實際效果之間便不致有太大差距。然而,倉廒的功能卻因臺灣大量米穀外流,倉廒儲米不足以應付社會實際需求,功能受到限縮,而制度面又無法解決此一困境,這正是臺灣倉廒制度盛於康雍乾三代,在道光之後逐漸走向沒落的主要原因。見微知著,臺灣倉廒制度的盛衰或亦是清代倉廒制度由盛而衰的鑒照。


倉廒 常平倉 臺運


After the Kangxi Emperor reclaimed Taiwan, local granaries of Taiwan had been widely built. Afterwards, the number of granaries reached its peak while the Qianlong Emperor. This study discuss about what is granary system? And how come although it kept increasing following the expanding of land opened up to the north and the south of Taiwan, but the growth slowed? According to the local topography, the number of local granaries even decreased tremendously by the period around the Taiwan’s alienation to Japan. The grains from the granaries are not only for native use, the founding purpose of the system was to stabilize the price of grain but also for military and army relatives. To ensure the transport stability of grains export to Fujian province, there was therefore a ”Tai-Yun” related regulation. But it resulted in the massive outflow of grain, and the saving could not match the necessity of its origin function. Thus the Granary System shriveled gradually after the Daoguang Emperor. From the decreasing number and the shriveling function of Taiwan Granary upon with the systematic dilemma, a conclusion could be made. That is “the Taiwan Granary System was prosperous during the Kangxi, Yongzheng, Qianlong three Emperors, and shriveled after Daoguang Emperor.” The Granary System was built in the need of livelihood. Thus different kind of granaries had their own configurations and contributions. Only if the complete set of formation be founded by the government, there would be no dramatic disparity between expected and actual consequent. However, the Taiwan Granary System perished because of the contradiction to the really need of Taiwan sociality. A clue might be got while the whole Qing Dynasty’s Granary System collapsed.


Granary System Grainary Taiwan Yun


