  • 學位論文


The improvement of spawn preparation and cultivating technique of almond portobello for industrialization

指導教授 : 梁文進


巴西蘑菇(Almond portobello),學名為Agaricus blazei Murill,又名巴西洋菇或姬松茸。巴西蘑菇含有多種特殊成分,具有獨特的抗癌、抗腫瘤功效,為目前受矚目之保健食品,是一種珍貴食藥用菇蕈。由於具有很高之經濟效應,因此其相關栽培技術極具有產業發展價值。巴西蘑菇栽培包含有菌種製備、栽培基質製作、接種、菌絲生長、覆土及產菇管理等技術步驟。本研究將探討巴西蘑菇培養基篩選與菌種資材篩選,以獲得適合菌種資材及製作方式,並試驗菌種接種量、堆肥量及栽培方式對巴西蘑菇菌絲生長及產菇之效果,以期降低生產成本,提昇產業化可能性。試驗結果得知巴西蘑菇菌絲在五種培養基下培養皆可生長,但以麥芽酵母抽出液瓊脂培養基(YMA)及馬鈴薯葡萄糖瓊脂培養基(PDA)的菌絲生長情形較優於其它培養基;五種菌種資材篩選以泰國米為最好,在來糙米次之;比較泰國米菌種添加各種營養物,以對照組、麥麩、碳酸鈣及玉米澱粉菌絲生長為最快;而生產巴西蘑菇菌種之不同條件探討則以450g資材量的菌絲生長完成所需天數較短,接種量則是接種6g與9g之小米粒種源的情況下無顯著性差異,但接種6g接種源的菌種製備完成所需天數為16天,而接種9g接種源的菌絲生長完成所需天數只需14天;在比較不同接種方式對於菌種生成所需天數的試驗,發現接種 後馬上將接種源與資材混拌均勻的處理優於接種於表層的處理。在箱式栽培中,皆使用58.8×41.8×33cm的栽培箱進行試驗,測試不同菌種接種量於稻草堆肥中,其菌絲生長速度在各處理間沒有顯著性差異,在盤固拉草堆肥,菌絲生長於接種量100g與200g、250g間沒有顯著性差異。在產菇試驗於稻草堆肥與盤固拉草堆肥,皆以接種量200g產量最高,分別為1006.9g / 10kg compost及603.1g / 10kg compost;在不同堆肥量之稻草堆肥及盤固拉草堆肥試驗,菌絲生長速度與產菇量之各處理間沒有顯著性差異;不同菌種接種方式於稻草堆肥試驗結果中,以接種中及上層與上層及混拌入堆肥中,其產菇量顯著性高於只接種於上層,10公斤堆肥中產菇量分別為660.3g / 10kg compost及674.4g / 10kg compost;測試麥粒、在來糙米及泰國米三種菌種對於巴西蘑菇產菇之影響,其總產量、生物轉換率及覆土到出菇天數皆呈現無顯著性差異,而在單菇重方面則以在來糙米菌種所產的菇最佳,其重量平均可達73.5g;比較新舊泥炭覆土及菌絲斷切方式對於巴西蘑菇產菇之影響試驗,在新舊泥炭覆土試驗上,其總產量、生物轉換率及單菇重皆呈現無顯著性差異,而從覆土到出菇天數的結果顯示,以回收再利用的泥炭覆土處理組,其出菇所需天數短於新泥炭使用;菌絲斷切方式試驗上,不論總產量、生物轉換率、單菇重或覆土到出菇天數皆呈現無顯著性差異;比較新舊泥炭覆土與菌絲斷切方式之四組處理作試驗,發現在四種處理,以舊泥炭土+菌絲斷切、新泥炭土+菌絲斷切及新泥炭土+菌絲刮斷之間,其總產量及生物轉換率無顯著性差異。


Agaricus blazei Murill, almond portobello, known as Himematsutake in Japan, was found in Brazil. In vitro and in vivo A. blazei had shown immunomodulatory and antimutagenic properties. It was the subject of scientific research which had shown its important nutritional and medicinal properties. Therefore, the research and development of cultivation techniques of A. blazei was necessarily for an industry value. Mushroom culture involves several different operations, each of which must be carefully performed. This study will select the suitable culture media and spawn materials and improve techniques for spawn preparation, and experiment the suitable amount of spawn inoculum, amount of compost substrate and inoculation methods for mycelia growth in compost and mushroom yield of A. blazei. Yeast malt agar medium and potato dextrose agar medium were suitable for mycelia growth of A. blazei. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of five different types of spawn materials, viz., wheat, unhusked rice, jasmine rice, brown rice, and brown long rice, and get the results that the best spawn materials for mycelia growth was jasmine rice, and brown rice was second. In nutrient supplementation on jasmine rice experiments, check, wheat bran, calcium carbonate, and corn starch were better for mycelia growth then rice bran and soybean flour. The spawn preparation of A. blazei was recommended that 450 g spawn material inoculated with 6 g master brown millet spawn basing on experimental results. In experiment of the mycelial growth and mushroom production of A. blazei on rice straw compost in culture box (58.8×41.8×33cm), the results showed that mycelial growth of A. blazei were not significantly different on the different inoculation amount of sawdust spawn, the biological efficiency were not significantly different on inoculation 150g, 200g, and 250g. In experiment of the mycelial growth and mushroom production of A. blazei on pangolagrass compost in culture box(58.8×41.8×33cm), the results showed that mycelial growth of A. blazei were not significantly different on inoculation 100g, 200g, and 250g;the biological efficiency were not significantly different on inoculation 100g, 150g, 200g, and 250g. Effect of different weight of rice straw compost on the mycelial growth of A. blazei in culture box, the results showed that mycelial growth of A. blazei were not significantly different;the biological efficiency were not significantly different between 10kg and 12kg of rice straw compost. Effect of different weight of pangolagrass compost on the mycelial growth of A. blazei in culture box, the results showed that mycelial growth of A. blazei were not significantly different;the biological efficiency were not significantly different on 8kg, 10kg, and 12kg of pangolagrass compost, but the 8kg of pangolagrass compost was the best. Effect of different inoculation method of rice straw compost on the yields of A. blazei, the results showed that inoculation on surface layer and middle layer, surface layer and mixing in compost were better than inoculation only on surface layer;the biological efficiency was 17.4% (surface layer and middle) and 17.8% (surface layer and mixing), respectively. Effect of different inoculum materials of A. blazei inoculated on rice straw compost, the results showed that the yields, biological efficiency, and day required after casing to harvesting were not significantly different among wheat spawn, brown rice spawn, and jasmine rice;but the brown rice spawn can get the best weight of mushroom. Effect of casing soil on the yields of A. blazei cultured on rice straw compost, the results showed that the yields, biological efficiency, and weight of mushroom were not significantly different between new peat moss and recycle peat moss. Effect of myceial cutting method on the yields of A. blazei cultured on rice straw compost, the results showed that the yields, biological efficiency, weight of mushroom, and day required after casing to harvesting were not significantly different between two cutting methods. Effect of casing soil with different myceial cutting method on the yields of A. blazei cultured on rice straw compost, the results showed that the yields and biological efficiency, was not significantly different on new peat moss + cutting, new peat moss + scraping and recycle peat moss + scraping.




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