  • 學位論文


The Study on UAV Images Applied to Produce DSM in Siangyang Forest Recreation Area

指導教授 : 許中立




In recent years, development of unmanned aerial vehicle technology can be quickly updated Aerial Image Data, updating on homeland data and disaster prevention mechanism. If this technology can quickly obtain homeland space information data, it worth promoting. In this study, the study site located at Siangyang Forest Recreation Area in Taitung. First, used of satellite positioning measurements joint solves for high precision GCP's 3D coordinates. Second, used shooting image between in 2013 and 2014. Then, fitting image given GCP for geographic location and produced orthophoto and digital surface model. Finally, compared the difference in terrains. The results showed that in this study the production of real value of the surface which digital surface model bath had system error, to compare with DSM and LiDAR produced DEM, bath data were same period in 2014, and calculate total earthwork quantity. Bath data were difference of 7.364 times. 2014's DSM has over-valuation. Aerial flight in mountain areas due to the Altitude difference and flight height, it can't be reduced, therefore can't have the good solver results. Also two different production system of flight using equipment, analysis methods and solvers also affected. Although producing of the digital surface model can roughly performance of the region's topography surface situation, but it has problem of accuracy to overcome, if applied in engineering design or homeland identify.


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