  • 學位論文


The remediation efficience of sediment disaster in Lao-Fo torrent

指導教授 : 許中立


近年來全球氣候異常,臺灣地區接連數年都有豐沛且集中的降雨,造成山坡地發生崩塌及土砂災害的訊息時有所聞。屏東縣滿州鄉於2011年南瑪都颱風3天累積降雨高達950mm,造成老佛野溪支流上游坡地(約13公頃)發生大規模崩塌形成土石流掩蓋房舍、農地及作物,並衝擊掏刷野溪護岸,造成護岸掏空沖毀。估計留在上游仍有大約200,000m3的土砂,水保局已公告該區為屏東縣DF070土石流潛勢溪流,林務局及屏東縣政府乃辦理5年5期整治工程計畫並架設監視器持續追蹤。 本研究採用行政院農委會水保局2008年頒布之「集水區整體調查規劃報告撰寫參考手冊」提供之整治率計算方法分析工程效益,作為工程整治規劃效益之參考及避免過度設計;另老佛野溪在已完成構造物情況下,以FLO-2D數值方法模擬降雨基期60min及90min之淹沒範圍驗證整治成果,結果顯示堆積所達最遠範圍約比整治前分別後退約150公尺及120公尺,均在保全對象之後,驗證工程整治結果可確保該地區居民生命及財產安全。


土石流 工程效益 FLO-2D 整治率


In this era of global climate anomaly, there is many earth and sand disaster occurs at landslide due to the raining . Last several years Nanmado typhoon (2011) has a cumulative rainfall up to 950mm in 3 days at Manchou Township, Pingtung County. The typhoon has caused severe landslides which destroy houses, agricultural land as well as crops and revetment near the upstream of Lao-Fo torrent (about 13 hectares). There is about 200000 m3 (in estimate) of earth and sand was still remaining on the upstream. Soil and Water Conservation Bureau has marked the area as Pingtung County DF070 landslide potential streams. Moreover, Forest Bureau and Pingtung County Government has carried out a five-years-plan and set up monitoring system for the further analysis. "On the whole catchment and Planning Report writing Reference Manual" issued by the Soil and Water Conservation Bureau (2008) was used in this study to provide the calculation of remediation rate as a reference of analyze the benefit of the project to avoid over-design. Apart from that, the result of remediation was verified through the FLO-2D numerical method based on simulation of rainfall 60 min and 90 min of the submerged area when the structure has been completed. The results showed that the farthest retreat range of accumulation area is about 150m and 120m after the preservation project is done. In conclusion, it can’t be denied that the project can ensure the safety of lives and property of residents in the area.


20.薛仲傑,2007,「FLO-2D 模式於土石流數值模擬之應用」,國立成功大學土木工程學系碩士論文。
