  • 學位論文


Effects of vermicompost application on the growth of organic seedling and organic production of two tomato varieties (small honey and graces)

指導教授 : 王鐘和博士


本研究於2012-2014連續兩年在台灣國立屏東科技大學進行。本研究的主要目的是探討施用蚯蚓糞堆肥 (VC) 對有機番茄育苗及栽培的技術,這項研究在溫室條件下進行了四個不同的實驗。第一個試驗 (1):探討不同的介質組成對兩個不同番茄品種幼苗的生長及品質之影響。第二個試驗(2):探討不同的蚯蚓糞堆肥比例對兩個番茄品種的幼苗品質及生長之影響。第三個試驗(3):評估不同比例的蚯蚓糞堆肥對兩個番茄品種生長及產量之影響,除探討第一作施用的蚯蚓糞堆肥的效果外,並測試對第二作番茄的生長及產量之殘留影響。第四個試驗(4):在試驗三的殘留介質中新添加1.0公斤蚯蚓糞堆肥(相等於1:8的添加量),觀察其對兩個番茄品種的生長、產量和果實品質之影響。研究結果顯示,在第一個試驗,施用蚯蚓糞堆肥(VC)的番茄幼苗,其株高、莖徑、葉片數、乾重、鮮重以及植體氮磷鉀濃度均得到顯著增加。然而,蚯蚓糞堆肥的使用卻降低番茄的發芽率,其可能原因是蚯蚓糞堆肥介質中的EC和pH值過高,對種子發芽造成不利環境。另一方面,添加牛糞堆肥(T3)降低介質中的EC和pH值,因此,增加番茄的發芽率。第二個試驗,結果顯示介質中的蚯蚓糞堆肥之比例與電導度(EC)以及巨量元素濃度呈正相關性,而與保水能力(WHC)、介質孔隙率和微量元素濃度呈負相關性。兩個番茄品種(V1和V2)在蚯蚓糞堆肥(VC)、炭化稻殼(RHS)和椰纖(CF)以1:1:1比例混合的處理(T6)下的發芽率最高(98.0-100%),相較於對照組, V1和V2的發芽率分別增加16.7%和19.9%。同時,V1和V2的乾重皆有顯著增加,其乾重比對照組分別增加38.4%和52.9%。此結果顯示蚯蚓糞堆肥對番茄幼苗的發芽率和生長有顯著影響,而且VC、RHS和CF在1:1:1的混合比例下對番茄幼苗的生長勢有最理想的促進效果。第三個試驗,結果顯示第一作不同的蚯蚓糞堆肥施用比例以及第二作蚯蚓糞堆肥的殘留效果都顯示對番茄的生長和產量有顯著影響。在第一作中,兩個番茄品種(V1和V2)在T4處理(60%VC,20%RHS,20%CF)下皆有最高產量,分別為562.3和812.4公克/株;而在第二作中,T5處理(80%VC,10%RHS,10%CF) 則產生最高產量,分別為508.3公克/株-V1和682.2公克/株-V2)。第一作兩個番茄品種的平均產量較第二作番茄分別高出13.2%和59.8%,這是由於第一作番茄的栽培介質含有較高量的養分,而第二作番茄使用第一作殘留下來的介質,養分含量明顯不足。第四個試驗,結果顯示重新添加1公斤蚯蚓糞堆肥可增加介質的EC值以及介質中的氮、磷、鉀、鈣和鎂的含量。兩個番茄品種在T4處理下均有最高產量,分別為630和1141公克/株,而且比試驗三之第一作的T4處理產量分別高出10.7%和28.8%。綜合上述,添加蚯蚓糞堆肥可提高介質中的EC值以及養分含量,並增加番茄的產量和果實品質。研究也發現當EC值為3.52dS/m時,可有效降低番茄果實內的含水量,並增加番茄果實的可溶性固形物。


This study was carried out for two consecutive years (2012-2014) at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. The aim of the present study is to assess application technology of vermicompost in organic cultivation of two tomato varieties. The study consists of four experiments being conducted under greenhouse conditions. In the first experiment (1), two tomato varieties seedlings were grown in different medium compositions to evaluate quality and growth of these tomato varieties. For the second experiment (2), two tomato varieties seedling were grown on different vermicompost rates then investigated quality and growth of tomato. For the third experiment (3), two tomato varieties grown on different vermicompost rates, subsequently growth and productivity were investigated. Besides, this experiment also evaluated residual effect of vemicompost on the second crop throughout assessment growth and productivity of two tomato varieties. For the fourth experiment (4), two tomato varieties were grown on reused medium from second season with adding 1.0 kg of vemicompost (equivalent to rate of 1: 8), then growth, productivity and fruit quality were evaluated. The results showed that, for the first experiment (1), using of VC enhanced the morphological growth (plant height, stem diameter, leaf number, fresh and dry shoot weigh), the N, P, K concentration in plant. However, using VC induced reducing germination rate of tomato seeds. This result was due to that VC made higher EC, pH value and bulk density. On the contrary, using cattle manure compost (T3) decreased EC, pH value, bulk density so that it helped increased germination rate. In the second experiment (2), the electrical conductivity (EC) value and macronutrient concentration had the positive correlation with proportion of vermicompost (VC), whereas water holding capacity (WHC), aeration porosity, and micronutrient concentration showed negatively. The treatment using mixture of VC with rice husk ash (RHS) and coconut fiber (CF) at the rate of 1:1:1 had the highest germination rates with a range of 98.0-100% for tomato varieties and higher than the control by 16.7% and 19.9% for V1 and V2, respectively. Moreover, both the productivity of biomass and the nutrient concentration in mixture were higher compared to other treatments. The shoot dry weight in both V1 and V2 were higher than that of the control over 60% with values of 2.03 and 2.10 g/plant, respectively. This finding showed that VC had a significant influence on the growth and nutrient uptake of tomato plants at seedling stage; especially VC when combined with RHS and CF at the rate of 1:1:1 proved optimum conditions for seedlings performance of tomato varieties. For the third experiment (3), in the first and second seasons, growth and yield of tomato were also influenced by different VC rates and reused VC. Obviously, increasing VC proportion led to the augmentation of EC, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg in planting media in both seasons. However, in the first season the nutrient absorbent ability of tomato were remarkably higher compared to those in the second season due to higher available nutrient in the media of the first season. This may influence the shoot dry weight as well as the yield of tomato in both seasons. In T4 treatment, the yield attained the highest value in the first season for both varieties with the values of 562.3 and 812.4 g/plant for V1 and V2, respectively. In the second season the N, P, K, Ca, and Mg in media significantly decreased compared to those in the first season (496.4 g/plant-V1 and 508.3 g/plant-V2). In comparison, the yields in the first season were higher those in second season by 13.2% and 59.8% for V1 and V2, respectively. However, in the second season, the maximum yield found in T5 (508.3 g/plant-V1 and 682.2 g/plant-V2) and declining by 10.6 and 19.1% compared to those in the first season for V1 and V2, respectively. This can be explained that amounts of nutrients from the media in the first season had supported the growth and development of tomato resulting deficiency of nutrients in the media for the second season. In the fourth experiment (4), pH, EC, N, P, K, Ca, and Mg available in media were increased with addition of 1.0 kg VC. The EC values were higher by 2.03-3.7 % compared to those in the first season of third experiment after 15 days of transplanting stage. Similarly, K contents were increased from 2.4 to 3.1 %. This finding revealed that the addition of 1.0 kg VC significantly improved the physic-chemical media properties, increasing the EC and also increasing the macronutrients in the media resulting substantial increased the yield and quality of tomato fruits. It is concluded that EC of VC was the key factor for the positive increase of the productivity and quality of tomato and the salinity (EC at 3.52 dS/m) caused restriction of water to fruits that resulting increase of the total soluble solids in tomato fruit and without effect yield reduction.


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