  • 學位論文


The Study of Recreational Motivation, Expectation, and Satisfaction: The Case of Milkfish Cultural Festival at Mituo

指導教授 : 陳淑恩


本研究之目的,在探討遊客基本背景屬性、參與彌陀鄉虱目魚文化節活動的遊憩動機、期望與滿意度間之相關性,並擬定推動地方產業文化活動行銷策略。本研究利用問卷訪查法收集資料。資料經敘述性統計,對遊憩動機、期望及滿意度等構面信度分析和因素分析後,再利用獨立樣本t 檢定、單因子變異數分析、及皮爾森相關分析等,對遊客基本背景屬性、遊憩動機、期望及滿意度因素,實施差異/相關檢定。 本研究結果如下: 1. 參與彌陀鄉虱目魚文化節活動的遊客,以女性居多,婚姻狀況多為已婚,年齡以介於20-40 歲之青壯年,職業主要為服務業,教育程度以大專以上比率最高,月平均所得以 1-3萬及 3-5萬為主。遊客以再次造訪者最多,得知活動訊息來源以親朋好友之推薦最多。 2. 遊客基本背景屬性對遊憩動機、遊憩期望與遊憩滿意度部分有顯著差異或相關。 3. 遊憩動機與遊憩期望及遊憩滿意度皆有顯著相關。 4. 對彌陀鄉虱目魚文化節遊憩活動的行銷建議:建立以鄉村旅遊及漁港休閒遊憩活動為主軸,結合產官學者,強化行銷並以企業角度永續經營文化節。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of the recreational motivation, expectation, and satisfaction of tourists who participated the Milkfish Cultural Festival at Mituo. A survey with personal interview was used to collect the data. The descriptive statistics was applied to analyze the collected data. The Cronbach's coefficient analysis was used to indicate the reliability and factor analysis was adopted to identify the themes of recreational motivation, expectation, and satisfaction. Finally, the independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, and the test of significant of Pearson correlation coefficient were applied to analyze the relationship of tourists’ characteristics, recreational motivation, expectation, and satisfaction. The results are as follows: 1. The majority of tourists who joined Milkfish Cultural Festival at Mituo were married females, in the 20-40 age category, completed college, and earned NT$ 10,000-30,000 and 30,000-50,000 monthly. Most of the tourists were joining the festival more than once and obtained the information of this event from their friends and family. 2. Parts of the visitors’ basic background attributes are significantly related to the recreational motivation, expectation and satisfaction. 3. The recreational motivation, expectation and satisfaction are significantly correlated. 4. According to the results of the study, the cooperation among the industry, government, and scholars to develop the sustainability of the rural tourism and fishing as the main recreational activities in marketing efforts are suggested.


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