  • 學位論文


The Research of Organization Motivation for Employing Staff with Disabilities in Pingtung Area

指導教授 : 王仕圖


摘 要 學號:M9761005 論文名稱:影響身心障礙者義務進用機關聘僱動機之探討 —以屏東地區為例 總頁數: 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系別:社會工作系 畢業時間及摘要別:九十九學年度第二學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:李忻蓓        指導教授:王仕圖 論文摘要: 本研究以探討身心障礙者義務進用機關聘用之態度觀點、影響僱用之因素和僱用動機等為主,透過此研究期許讓人們瞭解身心障礙者在求職與職場中所面臨的困境。因此,具體研究目的有四點: 一、瞭解屏東地區身心障礙者義務進用機關之現況。 二、瞭解屏東地區身心障礙者義務進用機關對身心障礙者之接受與僱用態度的差異性。 三、探討屏東地區身心障礙者義務進用機關聘任身心障礙者之動機及其影響因素。 四、藉由本研究對此一主題的探索,提供相關政策措施之建議。 本研究透過郵寄問卷調查方式蒐整資料,結果顯示如下: 一、受訪的機構過去大多數均有進用身心障礙者的經驗,而且這類機構的規模均在中大型以上,而其產業的特性部分,則較集中在服務業,所僱用的身心障礙者大多數為1-2人; 二、雇主在部份的背景變項上,與對身心障礙者的接受度與僱用態度是有部分顯著的差異存在; 三、義務進用機關部份背景變項,與對身心障礙者的僱用態度上存有部分顯著的差異性; 四、對政策建議為積極推動職場工作經驗體驗方案與職場訓練,以利促進並提昇身心障礙者就業。對身心障礙者義務進用機關為建議政府勞政部門提出適合地方特色的職業重建措施、辦理雇主對進用身心障礙者需求與意見調查,開拓身心障礙者就業市場。對身心障礙者為破除社會大眾對身心障礙者之刻板印象,增進社會對身心障礙者的接納,以增加其就業機會與就業適應。


Abstract Student ID: M9761005 Title of Thesis: The Research of Organization Motivation for Employing Staff with Disabilities in Pingtung Area Total Pages: National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Department/Graduate Institute: Department of Social Work Date of Graduation: January, 2011 Degree Conferred: second Name of Student: Li Hsin Pei Advisor: Wang, Shu-Twu, Ph.D. Abstract: This research is to survey the attitude, factors and motivation of hiring the disabled with obligation units. Through the study, people would understand the difficulties faced by disabled in the job and workplace. Therefore, the purposes of this research have four points: First, understanding the current situation of hiring the disabled with obligation units in Pingtung area. Second, to discuss the acceptance and employment differences of the disabled in attitudes in obligation units. Third, to study the disabled employment motivation and factors in obligation units. Fourth, to suggest the relevant policy through this research. The research conclusion by mail survey shows the following: 1. Most of sampling organizations have the experience of hiring the disabled, and the hiring organizations are in the medium and large scale. The industry characteristics are more concentrated in the services industry and the employment of the disabled is no more than 2 persons. 2. There are some variables of employer have significant differences with the disabled acceptance and employed attitude. 3. There are some variables of obligation units have significant differences with the disabled employed attitude. 4. In order to enhance and facilitate the disabled employment, this research suggests creating the learning and training programs for the disabled people and promoting their working experience in the workplace. This research also proposes that the labor administration department of the government should advise rehabilitation policy providing an appropriated environment for the disabled people, to finding any needs of the disabled people by the survey of the disabled employment and enlarge the compete ability of disabled people. The government also needs to revise the stereotype of the disabled from society and to increase the possibility of employed opportunities of the disabled people.


