  • 學位論文


The study on the characteristics of mathematics learning of learning disadvantage students of diverse ethnic groups

指導教授 : 鄭芬蘭


多元文化背景之國小學童,因家庭經濟弱勢且學習成就低落,在現今教育現場,成為教育政策與課業輔導的重要議題。因此本研究之目的是以正向思考與優勢本位的觀點,探討多元族群學習不利學童在家庭、學校中,數學科學習的共同特性,並發展「強化正向思考,及提升數學科自我效能與學習表現」提出介入的具體建議。本研究採半結構深入訪談的方式,立意取樣選取高屏縣市五所國民小學23位符合多元族群學習不利條件之學童,進行數學學習困境的訪談蒐集,並選一個案深入進行家庭訪談、導師訪談、課輔觀察各面向作深入的探討。研究結果發現: 壹、家庭面向--貧窮是受訪學童共同的困境隔代教養的比例高 祖父母是學童生活照護上很重要的資源,手足是其成長過程最大的財富。多數的受訪者家長不會要求學童課業成績,而家長多數是無法或不會指導學童。這群學童們對於家庭經濟匱乏,有多數想積極的分擔家庭的重擔,這樣的想法會造成忽略學習這件事,但因為困境這群學童多一份想改變自己生活的動力。 貳、學校面向--受訪者同儕關係表現上比較弱對老師的真心關懷最深刻 研究發現要與受訪學童建立良好的師生互動,應從關懷著手。老師溫和、幽默的人格特質可以縮短師生的距離,活潑的教學方式,利於建立雙向的師生互動。受訪學童對於自己的內在能力的肯定,集中在非課業的領域。在體能方面的展現上最有把握,且興趣的投入也是最多的。其次是技術能力,在操作能力上的自我察覺是比較高。在自我概念的展現上,屬比較弱的一群,對自己多方面的綜合看法在信心上是比較不足的,但有9成的受訪者卻表達的很清楚將來要做什麼。整體而言,受訪學童的課堂作業能力的評價以負面為多,但對於課業以外能力都充滿自信。 參、學習困境--多數受訪學童從三、四年級開始就覺得學習數學很困難 學習動機低落,建構問題基模知識不足,多數受訪學童對數學有懼怕反應,須幫助學童克服習得無助感、焦慮、懼怕學習數學。 肆、深入個案研究顯示--社會資源的介入對其是重要的改變要素 但是複雜的家庭背景與個別學習需求、心理輔導的必要,加上學校學習進度的企盼,輔導資源仍然顯得不足。另外課輔過程應提升學童的學習成就感,以及加強學童的閱讀能力,方能增進文字解題的理解能力。 透過以正向思考與優勢本位的觀點,蒐集這群學童的學習困境,為學童找到自我的內在價值,輔導者如能給予學童自我優勢能力的肯定,讓學童感受到即使在困境中仍有有希望,此乃教育的契機。


Abstract: Multi-cultural background of elementary school students, because the family economically disadvantaged and low academic achievement, in today's education scene, education policy and academic counseling as an important issue. The purpose of this study is based on positive thinking and the advantages of standard point of view, from the family, the school collected and summarized, diverse ethnic groups to learn negative children, the common characteristics of mathematics learning and the development of "positive thinking to strengthen and enhance mathematics self Performance and learning performance "involved in the specific recommendations schoolwork. This study used semi-structured qualitative interview methods, purposive sampling of five elementary schools in Kaohsiung and Pingtung counties, 23 meet the adverse conditions of diverse ethnic students learning to conduct interviews with mathematics learning difficulties to collect, and select a case in-depth family interviews, teacher interviews, tutoring for the depth observation of the. Note the following conclusions: First, the family-oriented - that poverty is the common plight of children interviewed a high proportion of grandparents. The results showed that the plight of these children is a common family was poor, a high proportion of grandparents, grandparents, children in care is a very important resource for life, with brothers and sisters is the largest of its growing wealth. Most parents of children with schoolwork achievements do not require children, most parents can not or will not guide the students. These children are the family economic deprivation, a majority of students want to be actively sharing the burden of the family, such thoughts will cause neglect to learn it, but because of the plight of these children more of a motivation to change their lives. Second, schools - the respondents peer relationships is relatively weak performance of the teachers really care for the most profound. Surveyed students in the performance of peer relationships is relatively weak. Teacher-student relations, students of the hearts of the teachers really care for the most is profound. Study found that these children with the establishment of good teacher-student interaction, we should start caring. Teacher mild and humorous personality can shorten the distance between teachers and students, and lively teaching methods, to the establishment of a two-way teacher-student interaction. Interviewed students, certainly within their ability to focus on non-schoolwork areas. In the physical aspects of the show's most confident, and also the largest investment interest. Followed by the technical ability, ability in the operation of self-perceived to be relatively high. Show on the self-concept, is a relatively weak group, a comprehensive view of their own in many ways is more on the lack of confidence, but 9 percent of respondents expressed very clearly in the future but what to do. Overall, the surveyed students in the classroom assessment of operational capacity of the negative as much, but for schoolwork beyond the capabilities are full of confidence. Third, learning difficulties - the majority of respondents children from third and fourth grade began to feel that learning math is difficult. This study found that most respondents said students from the third and fourth grade began to feel that learning math is difficult, low motivation, lack of knowledge construction of the problem schema, the majority of respondents are afraid of math students respond, have to help students overcome learned helplessness, Anxiety, fear of learning mathematics. Fourth, in-depth case studies show - the involvement of social resources is an important change in its elements. In-depth case analysis from the understanding of the involvement of social resources is very important for the case to change elements, but a complex family background and individual learning needs, the need of psychological counseling, coupled with the requirements of the progress of the school curriculum, counseling resources, still appears to be insufficient. Tutoring other students learning process should enhance the sense of accomplishment, and strengthen children's reading skills in order to promote problem-solving ability to understand the text. Collected through this study, the plight of these children learn to positive thinking with the advantages of standard point of view, for the intrinsic value of children to find themselves, such as counselors can give students ability to self-recognition advantage, so that students still felt even in difficult Have their opportunity is the greatest contribution of this study. Additionally, this study also for the future of disadvantaged children to seek schoolwork counseling given important direction, which was the highest value of this study. Through positive thinking and advantages of the standard point of view, to collect the plight of these children's learning, for students to find the intrinsic value of self, such as counselors can give students ability to self-recognition advantage, so that students feel there are still even in times of hardship Hope, which was an opportunity for education.


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