  • 學位論文


Inventory and Niches Management of Naturalized Plants in Kanting National Park

指導教授 : 郭耀綸 博士


摘要 學號:M9812001 論文題目:墾丁國家公園歸化植物清查及棲地管理試驗 總頁數:97頁 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系別:森林系 畢業時間及摘要別:九十九學年度第二學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:劉彥彬 指導教授:郭耀綸 論文摘要內容: 本研究有兩個目的,其一為瞭解墾丁國家公園陸域範圍歸化植物之種類及分布現況,並探討何種歸化植物在何種棲地類型有較高之優勢程度。第二個目的是在南仁山環境教育步道周邊的空出棲地,進行不同方式的生態復育處理,抑制當地的歸化植物。 於2009至2010年調查研究範圍內出現之歸化植物種類、棲地類型及地區,並計算歸化植物的出現頻度。此外,在園區內設置211個定量樣區,記錄樣區內原生植物與歸化植物種類、株數及覆蓋度,再計算各物種重要値。結果共記錄到歸化植物41科96屬120種,種數最多的前三個科分別為菊科20種、豆科15種、禾本科12種。歸化植物種類出現最多的地區是「出火-滿洲」有82種,其次是「龍鑾潭-貓鼻頭」72種。全區共902個調查樣點中,出現頻度較高的歸化植物分別為大花咸豐草、銀合歡及長穗木。 本研究發現墾丁國家公園陸域,有6種歸化植物為世界自然保育聯盟公告之「世界百大入侵種」,包括銀合歡、馬櫻丹、小花蔓澤蘭、香澤蘭、刺軸含羞木及南美蟛蜞菊。前三種在園區內分布廣泛且族群量多,後三種目前的族群量及分布地點皆少,但仍須持續監控管理。 在14種棲地類型中,「道路邊」的歸化植物種數有108種,「荒廢地」73種,「濱水地」68種,其它棲地類型物種數皆少於60種。藉由211個定量樣區分析得知,「墓地」、「公園綠地」、「廢耕地」、「道路邊」、「果園」及「農地」等六種棲地類型,歸化植物的重要値皆超過70%,歸化植物入侵情形嚴重。在南仁山環境教育步道,歸化植物在高光空曠地的覆蓋度達77%,原生植物覆蓋度僅有23%,但在林下遮陰環境,原生植物的覆蓋度可達58%,高於歸化植物。 本研究第二個項目為生態復育試驗分兩次進行,第一次試驗為2009年12月開始,分為僅拔除歸化植物、僅栽植原生植物及不處理對照組等三種處理方式。處理經過15個月,對照組樣區的歸化種相對覆蓋度由57%增加到63%,重要値達73%;僅栽植原生植物的樣區,歸化植物相對覆蓋度由58%減少到28%,重要値為35%;僅拔除歸化植物的樣區,歸化植物的相對覆蓋度由58%減少到27%,重要値僅為28%。然而,拔除歸化植物處理會使棲地再度空出,歸化植物散殖體仍會快速進入重新建立族群。 第二次試驗於2010年6月開始,進行兼具拔除歸化植物並栽植原生植物(處理組)及不處理對照組兩類。經過10個月,對照組樣區歸化植物的相對覆蓋度為37%,重要値為30%;處理組歸化植物的相對覆蓋度僅9%,重要値為14%,而原生植物的相對覆蓋度已達91%,重要値為86%。此結果顯示同時拔除歸化植物並栽植原生植物的處理,可令歸化植物不易入侵,並有利原生植物的建立,初步已達到生態復育的目標。


Abstract Student ID: M9812001 Title of Thesis: Inventories and Niches Management of Naturalized Plants in Kenting National Park. Total Page: 97. Name of Institute: Department of Forestry, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Graduate Date: June 10, 2011 Degree Conferred: Master Name of Student: Yan-Pin Liu Advisor: Yau-Lun Kuo The Contents of Abstract in This Thesis: There were two purposes in this study. The first was to understand species composition and distribution of the naturalized plants within the land areas of Kenting National Park, Taiwan, as well as the dominant habitat of each species. The second was to suppress the growth of these naturalized plants, by introducing different treatments of ecological restoration on the cleared lands along the Nanjenshan trail. During 2009-2010, the naturalized species’ habitat preferences and distributions within the study area were investigated, and the frequency of occurrence was calculated. In addition, 211 quantitative quadrates were placed to record the species composition, number, and coverage of both native and naturalized species. These data were later used to determine the importance value of each species. The results showed that 41 families, 96 genus, and 120 species occurred in the study sites, with the three most abundant to be Compositae (20 species), Leguminosae (15 species), and Gramineae (12 species). The site with the highest species richness was along the roadsides from Chuhou to Manjhou (82 species), trailing by Long Luan Lake-Maopitou (72 species). The most frequently occurred species were Bidens Pilosa var. radiata, and Leucaena leucocephala and Stachytarpheta urticacfolia. Six of the recorded naturalized species, namely Mikania micrantha, Lantana camara, Leucaena leucocephala, Chromolaena odorata, Mimosa pigra, and Sphagneticola trilobata, were listed in the “10 of the world’s worst invasive alien species” announced by International Union for Conservation of Nature. The last three species did not show large population and distribution in the park yet, but continuous supervision is required. Among the 14 habitat types, “roadside” was found to sustain the highest amount of naturalized plant species (108 species), following by “waste land” (73 species) and “waterfront land” (68 species). In the aspect of invasiveness, the following six habitat types, including “cemetery”, “park”, “abandoned cultivated land”, “roadside”, “orchard”, and “farm land”, all showed the importance value of more than 70%. At the trails of Nanjenshan, naturalized plants in the high light environment had coverage as high as 77%, leaving the remaining 23% for the native species. On the contrary, native species were more competitive in shaded environments where their coverage was 58%. The second part of the study included two eco-restoration treatments. In the first treatment that started in December 2009, two treatments, one removed of all the naturalized species and the other planting of native species, were carried out along with one control. Fifteen months after the treatments, the coverage of naturalized species from the control plots rose from 57% to 63%, with an importance value of 73%; in the plots of planting of native species, the coverage of naturalized species was dropped from 58% to 28%, and an importance value of 35%; in the plots of removal of naturalized species, the number was also lowered from 58% to 27%, and its value of importance being 28%. However, I noted that the removal of naturalized species will create unoccupied niches, which are favorable for quick re-establishment by the naturalized plants. The second eco-restoration treatment started from June 2010, and this time both removal of naturalized species and planting of native species were carried out in the same plots, along with an untreated control. After 10 months, the controls showed 37% coverage by naturalized species and an importance value of 30%; the treated plots showed only 9% coverage by the naturalized species, and an importance value of 14%. On the other hand, the coverage by native species in the treated plots became 91% and its importance value was 86%. This result suggested that both removal of naturalized plants and planting of the native species could not only retard the invasion by the naturalized plants, but also facilitate the establishment of native plants, accomplishing the initial goals of ecological restoration.


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