  • 學位論文


Study on Visual Image Communication of the Space of Thematic Restrooms in Chungyo Department Store

指導教授 : 高惠瓊


臺灣百貨業因競爭激烈,在尋求差異化的壓力下,掀起廁所改建風潮。本研究以臺中市中友百貨公司主題廁所為對象,針對自2003年發表至今的主題廁所空間進行視覺構成意象探討,經文獻探討及實地拍攝,透過日本色彩研究所P.C.C.S體系及依據小林重順《Color Image Scale》、《造形構成心理》進行空間色彩與造形之語言形象尺度分析。並藉由深度訪談針對中友百貨公司的企劃設計者及媒體宣傳者,探求主題廁所空間的設計概念及媒體行銷策略應用,另針對同業專業、學者專家訪談以全面性瞭解主題式廁所對臺灣百貨業廁所文化的影響。最後輔以問卷調查,瞭解消費者對其主題廁所的意象感受與設計者意念之間回饋的關連性。 研究結果發現: 一、中友百貨公司主題廁所空間視覺意象之傳達,就性別與年齡而言,女性主題者色相為R、RO、YO、RP等暖色相,象徵熱情、華麗。表現少女以b、lt、p、v色調,造形以垂直、水平分割的幾何線條,營造熱鬧、活潑的意象;表現少淑女以dp色調,造形以圓弧曲線,營造華麗、動態的意象;表現成熟女性以dk、dkGy色調及無彩色搭配,造形以簡潔的幾何形為主,營造高貴、穩重的意象。男性主題者色相為B、G、GB等寒色相及無彩色為主,象徵理性、穩重;表現青少年以v、dp色調,造形以圓形及曲線,營造動態、速度的意象;表現成熟男性以dkGy色調及無彩色搭配,造形以垂直、水平線條為主,營造冷硬、男性的意象。親子主題廁所色相為G、B及v色調,以具象自然的有機造形設計,視覺及聽覺上仿如身歷其境,引發兒童的喜歡與注意力,營造活潑、動態、輕鬆的意象。表現嬰孩則以p色調,造形線條簡單,營造柔和、純淨的意象。 二、依形象尺度表的分佈顯示,集中在W-H及C-H上,具有時尚、強烈感覺,凸顯中友百貨公司主題廁所大膽多樣的風格與其業種、客群類別有極大的關連性。研究中發現,當主題廁所空間用色簡單、柔和時,造形則為複雜、強烈的形式設計,以達到「統一中求變化」;反之,當空間色彩運用多變或具層次感時,造形則為俐落、簡潔的形式設計,以達到「變化中求統一」的秩序美感。 三、中友百貨公司主題廁所企劃設計者之意念與學理分析結果是一致的,再透過消費者問卷調查對色彩與造形語意分析的結果比對後發現,其意象分佈範圍與語言形象尺度分析落點大致符合。唯經調查發現,受測者對抽離色彩後的造形意象顯示感覺較為鈍化,呈現較不敏感的現象。 四、從深度訪談之資料分析獲得下列重點:(一)中友百貨公司主題廁所設計策劃以「櫥窗」概念,強調多樣及可變動性的素材選擇空間規劃,並符合樓面業種調性、結合時下流行產物,且為周邊易取得的材料與組合為主。並在規劃之初為防範主題鈍化而作準備;(二)主題廁所異於一般裝修原則,容許拆除重新施作,和各方意見之介入,如材料廠商、公司內部非設計人員等集思廣益而成;(三)其企業經營理念促使各樓層廁所主題的差異性設計,引發各階層消費者的話題,成為百貨業成功案例,更因此登上TIME雜誌,吸引觀光客,無形中達成城市行銷與國民外交任務;(四)實際觀察到企業經營者所背負的社會責任。 冀希本研究結果能提供相關業者與學術研究者之參考。


Under the fierce competition and the pressure of seeking difference, the trend of reconstructing restrooms has been raised in Taiwan’s department store industry. This study regards the thematic restrooms in Taichung Chungyo Department Store as the study objects, and focuses on the spaces of thematic restrooms that have been announced since 2003 to discuss visual constitution image. After carrying out literature review and on-the-spot filming, Practical Color Coordinate System from Nippon Color & Design Research Institute and “Color Image Scale” and “Psychology on Pattern Formation” by Kobayashi Shigenobu are used to carry out the analysis of language image scale of spatial color and pattern formation. The design concept and application of media marketing strategy of thematic restroom space are discussed through in-depth interviews with program designers and media advertisers of Chungyo Department Store; and then interviews with professionals and scholars of the same trade are carried out in order to understand the influence of thematic restrooms towards the restroom culture of Taiwan’s department store industry comprehensively. Finally, consumer questionnaire investigation is carried out to understand the feelings of consumers towards the images of thematic restrooms and the correlation between the feedback/influence of designers’ ideas. The study result shows the following findings: 1. For the visual image communication of the space of thematic restrooms in Chungyo Department Store, with regard to gender and age, the hue of female-thematic restroom refers to warm color series such as R, RO, YO, and RP, which symbolizes enthusiasm and gorgeousness; b, lt, p, and v are the main tones for young girls, while the pattern formation focuses on vertical and horizontal division of geometric lines to construct bustling and lively image; dp tone represents young girls and ladies, while the pattern formation focuses on arc lines to construct gorgeous and dynamic image; dk and dkGy tones arranging with colorless tome are used to represent mature women, while the pattern formation focuses on simple geometric shapes to construct elegant and staid image. The hue of male-thematic restroom mainly refers to hues such as B, G, GB, and colorless, which symbolizes rationality and steadiness; v and dp are the main tones for young boys, while the pattern formation focuses on circles and curves to construct dynamic and speedy image; dkGy and colorless are the main tones for mature men, while the pattern formation focuses on vertical and horizontal lines to construct strong and masculine image. The hue of parent-child-thematic restroom mainly refers to tones such as G, B, and v, the design of natural and organic pattern formation is used together with music playing, this allows the children to have the feeling of virtually being there thought their vision and hearing, so as to attract them and draw their attention; thus, lively, dynamic, and relax images are constructed. Lastly, p tone is used to represent babies, while the pattern formation focuses on simple lines to construct soft and pure image. 2. According to the distribution of color image scale, it shows that it centralizes on W-H and C-H which indicates trendy and strong feeling; it also shows that the style of thematic restrooms in Chungyo Department Store is bold and diversified, which is highly correlated with its business type and customer groups. This study also finds out that when the color of thematic restrooms is simple and soft, the pattern formation would focus on complete and strong design, so as to achieve the goal of “being able to change from unification”. On the contrary, when the spatial color is highly changeable or with arrangement of colors, then the pattern formation would focus on clear and concise design so as to achieve the order aesthetics of “being able to unify from change”. 3. The idea of planners for the thematic restrooms in Chungyo Department Store is consistent with the study’s analytical result; after comparing with the results of color, pattern formation, language meaning analyses from consumer questionnaire investigation, one can find that the image distribution scope is approximately consistent with the analysis of language and image scale. After investigation, the respondents show quite inactive feelings towards the pattern and image with abstract colors, which shows insensitive phenomenon. 4. The following key points are obtained from the data analysis of in-depth interview: (1) The design plan of the thematic restrooms in Chungyo Department Store regards “display window” as the concept and emphasizes the spatial plan that chooses various and changeable materials; these restrooms match with the tones of every floor’s business type together with the popular products, and their materials and combinations are easily obtainable. Theme inactivation has been avoided at the beginning of planning. (2) Thematic restrooms are different from general upholstery principle, they can be removed and re-decorate easily, and their designs involve useful ideas from material providers and employees from non-design departments. (3) Its enterprise operating concept promotes different designs of the restroom theme on every floor, which attracts every consumer’s interest and becomes a successful case of department store industry; it is also interviewed by TIME magazine because of its restrooms, which attracts a lot of visitors; thus, city marketing and diplomatic assignment of nationals have been achieved imperceptibly. (4) The social responsibility that the enterprise manager has to bear has been observed. Hopefully, this study result could serve as a reference for relevant service providers and academic researchers.


