  • 學位論文


An Evaluation of the Performance of Asian Pacific Convention Center Websites

指導教授 : 鄭瑞昌 蔡招仁


會展產業涉及之相關產業衍生出龐大的價值鏈,產生之經濟乘數效益引發各國政府重視並大力推廣發展。全球化的趨勢使得國際性會議、展覽逐年增加,而會展籌辦者在地點選擇時,首先會透過網站的資訊搜尋,以了解各個會展中心的狀況、收費、提供的設備及服務等等,再決定會展活動舉辦的地點,所以會展中心網站是吸引會展籌辦者興趣的第一要件。 然而,大部分會展中心卻只著重在實體會展展場的軟硬體設施的投資興建與經營管理上,而忽略了會展中心網站的經營,因此失去贏得會展籌辦者的關注與興趣,進而喪失爭取主辦會展的機會。 目前,經濟發展重心逐漸往亞洲地區發展,因此本研究將以亞太地區之韓國、台灣、新加坡、香港與大陸之十個會展中心網站,為本研究之對象。採用修改的平衡計分卡架構之關鍵成功因素衡量亞太地區十個會展中心網站之績效。 經由本研究得到的結果顯示,建議會展中心經營者在強調實體之軟硬體設施之外,更能著重於會展中心網站之經營,達到虛實和一大於二的綜效;結合各個相關產業整合行銷,以形成更具競爭力之會展中心;藉由會展中心的有效經營,帶動整個產業、地區與社會的繁榮。


The MICE Industry and its related consumer industries spread out a huge value chain. Many governments, when presented with the huge economic benefits that the MICE industry brings, value and promote the MICE industry. Globalization trends are causing international meetings and exhibitions to grow every year. When meeting planners are choosing a location for a convention centre, they will first search information through the website to understand the situation, charge, facilities provided, and service. After that the meeting planner will decide the convention location. Therefore, convention websites are the first thing to attract their interest. However, a large portion of a convention center’s budget is invested in the construction of both hardware and software equipment, while ignoring the operation of the convention center website. As results of previous research, convention centers are losing the opportunity to win the interest and attention of meeting planners, and to compete in holding the convention. For the time being, economic development is shifting to the Asian region. This study will focus on ten convention websites of the Asia-Pacific regions of South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong and Mainland China. The study uses modified balanced scorecard (BSC), a performance assessment method, and critical success factors (CSFs) to assess the performance of these ten websites. The result from this study suggests that in addition to focusing on the hardware and software equipment, the convention centre manager should emphasize more on the operation of the convention centre website. In this way, the combination of the virtual and physical creates a synergy. By incorporating all the related industries into integrated marketing, forming a more competitive convention centre, and ensuring the effective operation of the convention centre, the prosperity of the industries of the region and community is achieved.


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