  • 學位論文


The Development of Digital Prints in Art Market

指導教授 : 蕭嘉猷


藝術品因受日新月異的攝影技術與數位科技的發展,使複製的媒介產生新變化。「數位」是以「電腦」作為工具;「版畫」則是「複製品」的形式轉載。經由噴墨列印技術的崛起,促使印刷產業與藝術市場的變革與轉型,擴大版畫的表現內容與形式,顛覆「傳統版畫」的概念,使「數位版畫」成為藝術品形式的新興媒材。且近年來國內外的藝品拍賣公司與藝廊如雨後春筍般相繼成立,也使得藝術授權機制更受到重視。因此本研究企圖以「數位版畫為藝術品形式之一」的觀點,探討其在文化產業所衍生的相關現象與問題。 本研究將產業現況分為三階段進行探討,第一階段採用文獻研究法,剖析藝術在人類歷史中的需求與演進,並建構年代資料;第二階段運用比較分析法與田野調查觀察拍攝數位版畫的市場現況,並探討在科技遞變中印刷業如何進行數位版畫的印製流程與其產業概況;第三階段則採市場案例分析,分別以美國諾曼‧洛克威爾(Norman Rockwell)、日本村上隆及台灣膠彩之父林之助為例,經研究成果列舉,作為本研究之剖析與應證。 研究結果發現,宏觀人類對新藝術品需求的演化過程,認為「數位版畫」為新興藝術品形式的論點可成立之;且「數位版畫」可透過「藝術授權機制」的規範成為「限量發行」的藝術品形式。而藝術家提供原作經授權轉化為圖像元素,藉由設計、轉化、創作與再製,進而衍生周邊商品等運用,將精緻藝術的獨創性轉為流行文化的多元性,並透過噴墨列印技術以發揮原作精神與特質,促使大眾能更加認識藝術與藝術品。


數位版畫 藝術品 藝術授權


Due to constantly evolving photographic and digital technology, art works can be reproduced into many types of new media. "Digital" refers to the use of computers as a tool, and "prints" are a form of reproduction. The emergence of inkjet printing technology is leading to the transformation of the printing industry and art market, expanding the scope of prints' content and form, and overturning the concept of printmaking. As a result, digital prints have become a new form of art. Furthermore, because of the recent ongoing establishment of many more art auction companies and galleries in Taiwan and abroad, there has been more attention devoted to art licensing mechanisms. This study consequently seeks to investigate derivative phenomenon and problems occurring in cultural industries when digital prints are considered a form of art. This study investigates the current state of the industry in three stages. The first stage consists of a review of the literature; this stage analyzes art needs and evolution throughout human history, and presents chronological data. The second stage uses comparative analysis and a field survey to observe the current state of the digital photographic print market and investigate the state of the printing industry and how it is using steadily evolving technology to reproduce digital prints. The third stage consists of a market case analysis taking America's Norman Rockwell, Japan's Murakami Takashi, and Taiwan's father of acrylics Lin Chih-chu as examples; the study's analysis and empirical findings are presented in the form of the research results. This study discovered that the evolution of mankind's new art needs suggests that digital prints can indeed be considered a new form of art work. Furthermore, art licensing mechanisms can enable digital prints to be a "limited issue" art form. When artists allow their original works to be transformed into iconic elements through the licensing process, the design, transformation, creation, and reproduction, and the resulting use of derivative peripheral products, will convert the originality of fine art into popular cultural diversity. Moreover, inkjet printing technology can be used to capture the spirit and qualities of the original works, enabling the public to become familiar with more art and works of art.


Digital prints art art licensing


約翰‧伯格(John Berger)著、吳莉君譯,2010,觀看的方式,台北市,麥田。


