  • 學位論文


Peeping the Country of the Sun – Self Creative Narration of the Shadow Series of Japanese Myths

指導教授 : 蔡綺


神話是人類的重要文化資產,因為神話就是整個民族心靈的巨大投影,人與神話就有如鏡子的兩端,彼此互為對方的影子,本創作研究以此為發端,結合影子與神話的元素進行插畫創作。在所有民族的神話文本中,幾乎都以歌頌光明為主,鮮少以黑暗的元素作為主角,本創作研究試圖從相反的角度,描繪出不一樣的神話風貌。   在許多人的觀念中,神話是迷信與不開化心靈的象徵,在科技發達的現代社會,神話正漸漸從人們心中流失,尤其是已高度發展的日本。日本神話架構龐大、神祇眾多,對並非身為大和民族的本創作研究者而言,接觸日本神話便有如隔著一扇紙門,只能窺看到其剪影、而不知道其真實面目與內涵,因此本創作研究者以《紙門窺視‧太陽之國-日本神話的暗影系列創作自述》作為創作主題,在創作的過程中透過文獻的整理瞭解影子與神話的特質,並釐清暗藏在日本神話中的影子元素,再加上本創作研究者對影子與神話的理解,繪製出屬於自己風格的影子神話。   本創作研究者希望藉由此結合日本神話與影子元素的插畫創作,能夠向人們傳遞神話的重要性,並喚起人們對日本神話的興趣與關心,甚至是對其他民族之神話的關心,從而理解神話傳承的重要性。


神話 日本神話 影子 插畫


Myth is the important cultural assets of mankind because it is the huge reflection of the entire ethnicity’s spirit. Human being and myth are just like the two ends of a mirror, they are the shadows of each other; this study bases on this theory to combine the elements of shadow and myth to carry out illustration creation. Among the myth texts of all ethnicities, most of them mainly extol brightness and rarely regard the elements of darkness as the lead; this study attempts to depict different myth styles and features from the opposite point of view. Many people think that myth is the symbol of superstition and uncivilized soul, and myth is washing away from people’s heart little by little in this developed and modern society, especially highly developed Japan. The framework of Japanese myth is enormous with numerous gods; since the researcher of this study is not a Japanese, studying the Japanese myth is puzzling and only its brief view could be understood, but not its real features and meaning. Therefore, the researcher regards “Peeping the Country of the Sun – Self Creative Narration of the Shadow Series of Japanese Myths” as the creation theme. During the creation process, the specialties of shadow and myth are understood through the study of documents, and the elements of shadow that are hidden in the Japanese myth are clarified. In addition, the understanding of the researcher towards shadow and myth allows the researcher to draw the shadow myth of her own style. Through this illustration creation that combines Japanese myth and shadow elements, hopefully the importance of myth could be passed on to everyone and the interest and care towards Japanese myth, even the myths from other ethnicities, could be aroused, so as to understand the importance of passing the myth down.


Myth Japanese myth shadow illustration


