  • 學位論文


The Brand Cognition Differentiation in Greater China- A Case Study of USB Flash Drive

指導教授 : 周素娥


USB隨身碟大約於2000年上市,剛推出市場時是動輒數千元的昂貴的消費性電子產品。它的問世算是記憶體產業的一大亮點,相較於其他可攜式儲存裝置,隨身碟有許多優點,它不占空間,能存儲較多資料,不會因為刮傷或者潮濕而導致資料遺失無法使用,且品牌產品至少保固兩年到五年的時間,提升消費者的信心與保障,其便利性也成為熱銷的消費性產品。 本研究主要目的是想探討大中華區消費者的特性,對於品牌認知、品牌來源國影響隨身碟的購買意願,了解大中華區消費者在購買意願時的主要變項因素,期望對業者在銷售產品的實務上有所幫助。 本研究將蒐集台灣、香港、中國大陸購買過隨身碟的消費者,透過騰訊電子問卷的填答方式進行調查,總共回收254份問卷,剔除無效問卷68份,有效問卷為186份,最後為SPSS 18.0軟體的實證分析。 研究結果顯示: 1.大中華區消費者對隨身碟的品牌認知、品牌來源國形象、購買意願有顯著差異 2.大中華區消費者對獲得產品訊息、銷售管道、最滿意品牌來源國的隨身碟、消費金額有顯著差異 3.品牌來源國形象對品牌認知有正向影響 4.品牌來源國形象對購買意願有正向影響 5.品牌認知對購買意願有正向影響 6.品牌認知對品牌來源國形象與購買意願有部分中介效果


The USB drive first appeared on the market in the late 2000s. When the USB drive was launched, it was a notably expensive electronic product in terms of the consumer market. The USB drive became an iconic product of the NAND Flash industry, as it was, USB Drive smaller, faster, waterproof, and offered protection against data loss. Most brands usually featured a warranty covering two to five years, in the interests of end user confidence and consumer protection. Through these advantages, USB drive became a popular product across the world. The goal of this research was to investigate Greater China end users opinion and feedbacks of product features, to consolidate on brand awareness and product penetration, and to analyze how brand image in the country of origin influences purchase intentions and projected future spending patterns. It is hoped that the company will be able to capitalize on this research and generate real returns from the information gathered. The study collected data on end users, based in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China, who have in the past purchased a USB drive or related product, and used a Tencent questionnaire for this purpose. A total of 254 questionnaires were returned, with 68 questionnaires unavailable, for a total of 186 questionnaires valid. SPSS 18.0 software was used to do the statistical analysis. The research results: 1.The effects of Greater China consumers on Brand awareness, Brand country-of-origin image, and Purchase intention were significantly different. 2.The effects of Greater China consumers on product information, sales channel, satisfaction with the brand in country of origin, and end users price were significantly different. 3.The Brand country-of-origin image has significantly influenced Brand awareness. 4.The Brand country-of-origin image has significantly influenced Purchase intention 5.The Brand awareness has significantly influenced Purchase intentions. 6.The Brand awareness was partially mediated the Brand country-of-origin image and Purchase intention.


李奇勳(2008)。價格意識,品牌意識與熟悉度對商店品牌購買意願之影響。管理評論, 27(3), 21-40。
