  • 學位論文


Research for the Money Attitude of Students in the Sixth Grade – an Example of Elementary Schools in Taichung City

指導教授 : 王朝仕


本研究旨在探討臺中市國小六年級學童的金錢態度。主要目的為了解國小學童的金錢態度之現況,歸納研究所得,提出具體建議,作為家庭、學校教育與研究之參考。 本研究依據研究目的與文獻探討而擬定之國小學童的金錢態度為「金錢認知」、「金錢情感」、「金錢行為」、「金錢價值」等四個構面。採用問卷調查法,隨機選取臺中市公立國民小學六年級學生共672名為研究對象。利用研究者自編的「國小學童金錢態度量表」,針對學生施測。根據調查所得資料,採用SPSS統計套裝軟體之描述性統計、多變量單因子變異數分析、積差相關、多元逐步迴歸等方法加以分析處理。 本研究的主要發現如下所列:1.性別對金錢態度之影響有顯著差異。不同性別之國小學童在金錢態度之「金錢認知」、「金錢價值」、「金錢情感」構面的得分上有顯著差異;且男性學童的得分高於女性學童。2.儲蓄習慣對金錢態度各面向之影響皆有顯著差異。有無儲蓄習慣的學童在金錢態度與金錢認知面向的表現上有顯著差異。懂得儲蓄的學童知道預算規劃的重要性,處理金錢的態度會較為謹慎,對於金錢的認知比較正確。3.零用錢來源依據會影響金錢態度的金錢認知面向。依據本研究結果顯示,金錢態度會因零用錢來源依據不同而有顯著差異。零用錢來源是成績獎勵金的學童較能體會金錢「得來不易」的道理,因而對於金錢的認知較積極正向。4.零用錢支配權與金錢態度有密切的相關。零用錢支配權和金錢認知、金錢價值有正相關的關係。通常具有零用錢支配權較高的學童,其在金錢認知、金錢價值面向的反應亦會較高。5.金錢態度會因學生每週平均零用錢所得不同而有顯著差異。每週平均零用錢所得在500元以上的學童在「金錢價值」構面上的表現高於100元以下者。 研究者依據上述研究發現,提出了對學校金錢態度教育與親職教育和在研究對象、工具、方法方面之進一步研究相關等建議,以供家庭、學校教育與輔導,以及未來研究作為參考。


This study aimed to explore the money attitude of elementary school students in the sixth grade in Taichung City. The main objectives are to understand the present situation of the money attitude of the elementary school children. To induct the research and to suggest some proposals as a reference for family, school education and study. According the research objectives and literature to draw up this study for elementary school students’ money attitude as "Money cognition" (including powers and fame, achievements and success, self-esteem and respect) "Money emotion", "Money behavior", "Money value" etc.This study is based on questionnaires, using cluster sampling, randomly selected 672 students in public elementary schools in Taichung for the study. Using the "Scale of Elementary School Children’ Money Attitude," by researcher surveyed for students. According to the survey data, using descriptive statistics, multivariate ANOVA analysis, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis of the SPSS statistical software package to deal with. The followings are the main findings of this study: First, there are significant differences of money attitudes in gender. Money attitude of elementary school students in different gender are significantly different in scores of "money cognition", "monetary value", "money emotional", and male students’ scores are higher than female students’.Second, saving habits affect the difference of the money attitude of each face. Whether Children have the savings habits or not, and they have significant differences in the performance of money attitudes, money-oriented and money cognition. Children know the importance of planning budget, they are more cautious to handle money, and have more correct perception for the money.Third, the source of pocket money can affect the money cognition. Based on the results of this study, it showed that the sources of allowance money will cause a significant difference. Source of pocket money is as the reward of pupils can understand the truth "It has not come easily." Therefore, children have more positive perception on money.Fourth, pocket money and domination of money attitude is closely related. Domination of money and money cognition, money values are positively related. Typically, the children who have high control on the pocket money will also have higher response of the money cognition.Fifth, the significant differences are due to the average income of the allowance money each week. The money value performance of the average weekly pocket money, children who have more than 500 dollars is higher than who have less than 100 dollars. Based on the above findings, the researcher makes some suggestion that school with money attitudes related, parenting education, the other research and study’s objects, tools, methods and other aspects of the proposal, in order to provide the family, school education and counseling, as well as a reference for future research.


15.徐淑敏、林麗華, 2007。國小高年級學童的金錢態度與消費行為,教育實踐與研究,第20卷第2期,頁1-28。


