  • 學位論文


A study on the packaging design strategies of Festival’s gifting box in Taiwan -Dragon Boat Festival as an example

指導教授 : 黃雅卿


本研究以市售臺灣端午節禮盒為對象,進行包裝視覺設計與銷售策略分析研究,探討目前臺灣端午節禮盒包裝現況與發展趨勢,透過相關文獻資料整理分析與歸納,作為研究理論依據,並觀察與蒐集目前臺灣市售端午節禮盒的資料樣本,深入瞭解市場發展之現況。經由田野調查蒐集,加以歸納、分析與比較包裝視覺設計與策略之運用。為了增加本研究的客觀性,加入消費者、店家之問卷調查與專家訪談等相關資料,綜合上述研究結果,提出結論與後續研究之建議,期以提供商家或專業人員對端午節禮盒包裝的設計重視與策略之參考。 本研究結果得知,生活形態和觀念的轉變,讓早期的應景習慣逐漸演變成以送禮表達祝福。隨著經濟的起伏與食品製作技術的提升,讓產品與包裝趨向多樣多元化。由於端午節是一個新興的送禮文化與禮盒市場,需透過節慶活動瞭解端午文化所創造出送禮的價值。針對消費者問卷調查統計資料顯示,會購買端午節禮盒的人約六成是以送禮為目的,在購買時產品與價格是各方認為最重要的考慮因素。從店家問卷調查統計資料顯示,最多業者認為「公司形象」是包裝應出現的元素,其次是「企劃主題」。在端午禮盒包裝設計元素分析中,消費者與市售禮盒樣本皆認為材質原色因呈現樸實與古早味氣氛而最適合,並認為包裝應採用簡單且方便的提把盒、手提盒或應景的編織籃為包裝形式,這與近年來政府大力推動的綠色包裝不謀而合;而文化元素的使用以粽子與龍兩種為主。端午節禮盒所運用的包裝策略為:商品的「品質策略」;促進銷售的「回購策略」;不同經營規模的「應對策略」;符合年節氣氛的「文化策略」;滿足不同消費者的「吸引策略」;不同販售地點的「氣氛策略」;運用不同材質的「質感策略」;刺激銷售的「贈品策略」;吸引潛藏消費者的「媒體策略」;擴展市場的「開發策略」;加深形象的「推廣策略」。


This research has taken Taiwanese Dragon Boat Festival gift box products as the subject and focused on the packaging analysis of their visual designs and marketing strategies. The research explores the current situation and tendency of Taiwanese Festival gift box market. Through literature review, the result was used as the basis of the research theory. In order to understand in depth the development of Taiwanese Festival gift box market, the recent samples are observed and collected. Through the field research, the packaging visual design and use of strategy are summarized, analyzed and compared. In order to increase the objectivity of this study, some additional research such as the survey of consumers, questionnaire investigation of shops, and specialist interviews are conducted. The outcome of this research is expected to provide the industry or designers with reference of festival packaging design. It is known through the research that changes have shown in lifestyle and ideas, the early habits have been replaced gradually by gift box giving. Following with the economic growth and the advancement of the food procession technology, products and packages have shown more in variety. Due to Dragon Boat Festival gift box is a new culture and market of gift giving, understand its cultural implication become vital in order to create the value of giving. According to consumers survey that about 60 percent people buy the Dragon Boat Festival gift box as gift, and price and the product quality are the main factors in purchasing. The retailer’s survey shows that company image is the must show element in the gift box packaging, another is the planning theme. Consumers and the survey samples show that original color is the most favorable because of its simple and retro style. The use of simple and convenient way, such as handle box, portable box or woven basket, are favored as well. This is coincided with the green-packaging concept which is prompted vigorously by the government lately. It is also found that the main cultural elements used are rice dumpling and dragon motifs, and the favored packaging strategies used are “Quality Policy” of product , “Return Policy” of sale promotion, “Coping Strategy” of different business scale, “Cultural Strategy” of fitting the festival atmosphere, “Attract Strategy” of satisfying different consumers, “Atmosphere Strategy” of different channels, “quality-feeling strategy ” of using different materials, “gift policy” of stimulating sales, “Medium strategy” of attracting potential consumers, “Development Strategy” of expanding the market, "Promotion Strategy" of strengthen the image.


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