  • 學位論文


A Study on the Influencing Factors of Army repulsive work —A Case Study of Naval Meteorological & Oceanographic Office R.O.C.

指導教授 : 蕭宏金 葉上葆


國軍在兵力結構轉變及因應「募兵制」及「精粹案」政策下,一連串的推動組織變革,國軍總員額數大幅精簡、單位組織簡併的狀況下,任務、工作的事項卻沒有因此減少,需要委由人力去執行的事項多如牛毛,加上行政作業程序繁雜冗長,基層部隊人員離退頻繁,調職、受訓,尚未有接替之人員時,反而演變成一個人可能要負擔他人的工作,無法正常休假,適度紓緩工作上緊張、焦慮等等…,厭惡性工作便隨之而來。本研究的目的在探討海軍大氣海洋局官兵厭惡性工作之影響因素研究,以層次分析方法(AHP)分析關鍵影響因素的重要性。本研究結果:評估要素之重要性程度排序,即(一) 國軍業務項目(二) 工作感到認同(三) 人力供需情形(四) 工作負荷能力(五) 超時服勤工作。


The National Army further plans the planning of the "fine case" force structure adjustment plan and the "recruitment system". In the national army to promote a series of organizational changes, the total number of troops in the country substantially reduced, the unit organization of the degenerate situation, the task, the work of the matter has not been reduced, the need to commission the manpower to implement the matter numerous, with administrative procedures In the complex, the organization, the staff retired frequently, transferred, trained, did not take over the staff, but evolved into a person may have to bear the work of others, can not take a good vacation, suitable to ease the work of tension, anxiety and so on ... , repulsive work will follow. This purpose of the study is to study this influencing factors in Naval Meteorological & Oceanographic Office burnout and analyze this importance of key influencing factors by AHP. The results of the study: this importance of this evaluation of this importance of this sort, that is, (a) the national military business (two) work is recognized (3) human supply and demand situation (four) workload capacity (e) overtime service work.


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