  • 學位論文


Application and Development on Multi-functional Crawler Vehicle Platform

指導教授 : 徐祥禎
共同指導教授 : 吳士傑(SHIH-JEH WU)


彈藥裝載儲運是彈藥物流的關鍵環節,是影響彈藥快速機動補給的重要因素。而彈藥補給皆有其適質、適量、適時的要求,由於國軍彈藥裝載儲運以往僅注重作業之安全性、危險性與敏感性等,作業方式均以人力搬運及運用載重車運輸為主,而忽略現代機具設備效能與運輸工具的優點,致使補給作業單位無法適時將彈藥主動運補至作戰單位,影響戰備整備甚鉅。經探討運用無人載具、企業界物流「包搬儲運」成功技術,及本軍與美軍彈藥運補方式的差異性策略等,利用無人載具運補在面對不同的惡劣環境及危險性任務,降低人員傷亡,可以擴展工作的範圍並方便移動去執行任務。 本研究探討多功能履帶車輛的彈藥裝載用途,由於實體車輛巨大且價格昂貴,因此利用M-block系統套件之組裝載具,並由Arduino程式語言上傳至面板,傳達至平常使用的移動式裝置,如筆電、平板及手機來即時監控使用,操作者在運用電腦及手機來控制和執行相對的動作以完成所需的任務。Arduino控制器透過WI-FI及藍芽的功能傳達訊息至電腦,並下達指令Arduino控制器進行車輛控制,即時控制及監控,整合不同狀況來完成即時任務。


Ammunition loading storage and transportation is a key link of ammunition logistics and an important factor that influences the rapid mobile supply of ammunition. Moreover, the supply of ammunition requires proper quality, quantity and time. In the past, the ammunition loading storage and transportation of the National Armed Forces only focused on the security, risks and sensitivity of operation and those operating ways mainly consisted of manual carry and truck transportation, therefore, the efficiency of modern machines and equipment and advantages of transportation facilities were ignored. As a result, the work unit of supply could not timely and actively supply the ammunition to units in combat. This greatly influenced the war preparedness of outfit and others. After investigation, unmanned vehicles, successful technologies of “packaging, handling, storage & transportation” in the logistics of business circles and differentiation strategies between the ammunition transportation and supply method of our army and that of the US army are put into use. Transport and supply through unmanned vehicles, faced with different severe environment and risk mission, can decrease casualties and expand the work scope. The unmanned vehicles can easily demonstrate its mobility and execute various military tasks. With assembled track-vehicles of M-block system suite, this research uses the Arduino programming language to upload contents to the panel and deliver to computers, tablets and mobile phones which we commonly gave instructions. Real time monitoring is available. Users are capable to employ computers and mobile phones to control and execute relative motions so as to fulfill required tasks. In this study, the Arduino controller conveys messages to the computer via wireless WI-FI and blue-tooth. With directives, one can further order the Arduino controller to control vehicles, implement real-time control and monitoring and integrate different situations to accomplish real-time tasks.


