  • 學位論文


Applying the Grey Product Development and Selection Method to Toy Design and Development

指導教授 : 劉浩天


玩具是伴隨兒童成長過程中不可或缺的物件,在兒童學習跟心理上有很多幫助。玩具發展至今其功能更加多元,玩具的人口族群與年齡層比以前更為廣濶,玩具已成現今人們生活中的一部份。玩具產品在開發設計過程中,必須要創造出有魅力的產品以滿足客戶的需求,然後快速發展出符合市場需求之產品,才能在激烈競爭環境下生存與茁壯。品質機能展開 (Quality function Deployment,QFD) 就是因應顧客需求以上問題而誕生的一種產品設計開發工具,能有系統的將客戶的需求品質轉換成設計要求,以確保落實至製造階段,並同時能夠提升產品品質。 本研究應用灰色理論於品質機能展開模式與TOPSIS法,發展一個完整的灰色產品研發與遴選方法,本研究首先根據顧客意見調查得到顧客需求品質項目,再經由品質機能展開的步驟,以灰色區間運算方法求得品質要素的權重排序,再以本研究的灰色TOPSIS模式,評選出最佳的產品開發方案,提供公司在產品設計研發時的參考依據,進而提昇產品研發時的效率。 最後,本研究以國內一家玩具公司的產品開發為例,將本研究方法應用在該公司的玩具產品研發,提供該公司有用的產品開發建議,並驗證本研究方法的可行性與實用性。


Toys are indispensable objects accompanying children during the growth process, which helps learning and children's mental a lot. Up until now, toys develop more diverse functions while the population and age groups of toys cover wider than before. Toys have become a part of human life. During the development and design process of toy products, attractive products need to be created to satisfy the customer needs. Afterwards, the rapid development meeting the market needs could allow them to survive and grow in an extremely competitive environment. Quality function deployment (QFD) is a type of product design and development tool born to respond to problems concerning the above customer needs. QFD could systematically transform the customer needs of quality to the design need so as to ensure the need is fulfilled at the manufacturing stage and be able to promote the product quality in the meantime. The study applies the grey theory to the QFD model and the TOPSIS method to develop a thorough approach of grey product research & development (R&D) and selection method. In the study, quality items of the customer need is first obtained by the customer survey and then the quality element order by weight is determined by the grey interval number through the QFD steps. Next, the best product development solution is selected by the grey TOPSIS model in the study to serve as a reference for the company during the product design and development process so that the efficiency of product R&D is improved. Last, the study takes the example of product development in a domestic toy company. The research methodology is applied to the toy product R&D in the aforesaid company to provide useful product development suggestions for the company and to testify the feasibility and practicability of the research methodology.


陳昭琦、黃士滔(2005),品質機能展開結合實驗計畫法與灰關聯分析於服務品質改善之應用-以高雄地區三家書店爲例,工程科技與教育學刊,2(2), pp.276-304。
