  • 學位論文


Studies on Sexual and Asexual Reproduction of Pemphis acidula J. R. & G. Forst.

指導教授 : 張宏褀 蔡新聲


水芫花(Pemphis acidula J.R. & G. Forst.)為海岸珊瑚礁上的常綠小灌 木,主要分布以台灣南部為主,植株樹型奇特具極佳之觀賞價值,且全株 均可為民間藥材。近年來由於全球氣候異常、土地開發和人為的摘採等因 素,水芫花現已面臨到嚴重的生存壓力,本研究乃利用無菌播種、組織培 養和扦插繁殖技術,建立水芫花有性及無性繁殖系統。結果發現水芫花原 生地環境嚴苛,人工授粉無法有效提升結果率。水芫花種子儲藏於 4 ℃環 境中能有效維持其發芽率,以2010年1月21日所採集種子之發芽率為最好, 而蒴果的飽滿度上則以大於0.45 cm之種子發芽率最佳,在培養基中添加活 性碳及PVP(polyvinylpyrrolidone)能有效提高發芽率,又以活性碳的添加 能使發芽的苗株較重且根系較長。苗株培養中發現以WPM(Lloyd and McCown, 1980)基礎鹽類配方添加5 % 蔗糖、0.2 %活性碳及0.3 % gelrite 之培養基生長最佳,但以蔗糖濃度3 %和4 %培養下才有100 %健化存活率。 在無性繁殖系統中,以去頂芽苗株能有效誘導芽體,而發根則以莖頂帶節 數越多發根率越好,當以六節之莖頂為培植體,能有100 %的發根率和瓶苗 健化成功率,2,4-D能有效對水芫花的癒合組織進行誘導和繼代,但未有任 何芽體產生。扦插繁殖則在三月份以椰子纖維為介質並使用包覆保濕處理 之下,插穗能有較好的發根率。


Pemphis acidula (J.R. & G. Forst) is a small trees mainly found either at the verge of mangrove forest or on intertidal zone by taking holds on rocks and gravel. These plants are mainly found in southern Taiwan. Despite its less availability this plant in exclusively used as folk medicine in Taiwan but due to over exploitation of these species from their natural habitat leads to extinction of these species. Now their natural habitat have been classified as protected areas. The present study describes some efficient methodology of micropropagation to generate plants in abundance to fullfill the demand. These methodology includes seed germination, tissue culture and stem cutting. The capsule collected in January 2010, have diameter bigger than 0.45 cm and stored at 4 ℃ had better rate of germination. Charcoal and PVP (polyvinylpyrrolidone) were used as supplement to improve the germination rate and its was found that the activated charcoal had better effect on increase in root length and weight gain. The rate of seeding growth was best on WPM (Lloyd and McCown, 1980) medium supplemented with 5 % sucrose, 0.2 % activated charcoal and 0.3 % gelrite. Apical buds of different age (2,3,4,6.5 month) seedlings were removed to study its effect on plant growth and it was found that 2 month old decapped seedling has better rate of shoot and root formation with 100 % survival. Terminal buds of grown seedlings with different number nodes (2-6 nodes) were also studied to check effect on plant growth and it was found that the terminal buds with six nodes had better growth response. Different plug medium (perlite, coconut fibre, sand, vermiculite and peat moss) were used to study its effect on rooting in cut stem and it was observed that coconut fibre had better rooting response.


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