  • 學位論文


The Interior design Practice of Architectural Pattern Language on Children’s Library at Soulangh Cultural Park

指導教授 : 董皇志


兒童圖書館是孕育兒童最好的處所亦是社會教育的起點。圖書館本身是個教育機構,在施教、授知、陶冶品德上發揮影響力,並提供有益身心的休閒活動,滿足讀者在求教、求知、休閒方面的種種需要。透過良好的兒童圖書館空間規劃,兒童可自由且熟練地使用實體與虛擬的圖書館及各類圖書資訊,探索各類學習資源。 本設計論文以台南市佳里區蕭壟文化園區之單棟建築做為設計操作之對象,置入兒童圖書館之活動並結合周邊環境創造合適的兒童空間。並試圖透過兒童行為與空間使用性質建立屬於兒童圖書館之建築模式語言。本設計論文分為以下五個章節,分別為: 第一章:緒論,強調閱讀的重要性與良好的閱讀環境。 第二章:文獻與案例討論,彙整出可操作之空間準則。 第三章:基地描述,基地選擇與方案選定之討論。 第四章:空間需求與設計操作,將模式語言帶入設計中。 第五章:結論,建築模式語言的篩選與操作。 思考設計的過程是透過兒童的行為與喜好來訂定出適合兒童的閱讀體驗空間,透過文獻回顧與兒童的行為與活動歸納出空間條件並且結合建築模式語言訂定出合適的空間準則。 關鍵字:兒童圖書館空間規劃、兒童行為、建築模式語言


The purpose of this study was to investigate the design of child’s library. Nowadays, children's Library is the best place for bred child as well as a start of societal education. In addition, as an educational institutions that effects on teaching, learning, molding morality and provides beneficial mind & body activities which satisfy the reader's requisition of teaching, learning and pleasure. This study design and processes would be divided into five chapters: Chapter 1: Introduction: Emphasize importance of reading and select reading environment. Chapter 2: Literature review and case study: Aggregated operational guidelines of the space. Chapter 3: Description of site: Discussion of selecting a site and programs. Chapter 4: Spatial pattern and Design operation: Application the pattern language to design. Chapter 5: Conclusion: filter and apply the pattern language of architecture. This study set Soulangh Cultural Park, Tainan city as this design study, integrated nearby surrounding of the object with library’s activity. Establish the pattern language of child library through child behavior and spatial property. Through excellent space management of children library, the child would easily use the real and virtual equipment and discover various kind sources of learning. Design suitable reading space and combine pattern language via child’s behavior and hobbies. Keyword:Child library spatial planning, Child behavior, The pattern language


12.陳婉煊、賴怡婷,2011,"透過「班訪」、「圖書館相關繪本」建構 幼兒與公共圖書館的橋樑",《臺北市立圖書館館訊》,第21期,pp.37-41,台北。
3.Linda H. Edwards,1994,"Kids Eye View of Reading: Kindergartners Talk About Learning How to Read", Childhood Education 70,pp. 140-141.
