  • 學位論文

多目標運用系統開發與應用-- 以石門水庫為例

The Development and Application of Multi-objective Information System -- An Example of Shihmen Dam Reservoir

指導教授 : 梁錫卿 王淑卿


石門水庫自建壩以來皆逐時記載水庫相關運轉資訊並進行統計彙整,昔以手抄方式記錄並以紙本保存。惟時至今日,相關資料仍未能透過網路進行記載及提供讀取。導致相關資訊分享不易,並且檔案與紙本分散。除此之外,因人為資料輸入錯漏情形多,因此檢核資料與查詢資料皆不易。然而隨著資訊科技的發展與進步,知識與經驗被資訊化,許多人為的知識與經驗將透過資訊化將之轉換成數位數據並進行保存與分析。 由於石門水庫的業務單位,早期皆以手抄的方式將相關運轉時序性的資料透過紙本進行保存。然而,紙本的資料在進行長期保存時非常容易因為氣候、人為與搬遷等行為造成資料損毀與遺失。除了紙本資料不易保存之外,人員的退休與異動也導致相關的操作經驗不易傳承與紀錄。因此,本研究針對石門水庫的運轉紀錄資料與操作經驗進行資訊系統發展。本研究透過系統的資訊化發展,將石門水庫運轉的數據與操作的經驗於資料庫系統中進行保存,除了能夠增進系統使用者確認每日運轉資料的正確性,並能增加資料的即時性與正確性。 換言之,本研究將透過應用系統建置,將石門水庫的運轉資料記載人為錯誤率降低,並以線上網頁介面系統之方式提供相關工作人員查詢水庫運轉資訊,藉以提升相關工作人員作業之便利性。


When Shihmen Dam Reservoir was build, the related operation information are recorded, and used to related statistics and aggregated. This information are recorded in handwritten way and to save on hard copy in the past. Until today, the related information is still unable to record and read through Web. Therefore, the relevant information are not easy to share. Moreover, the file and hard copy are dispersed. In addition, due to human data entry errors, hence, to check and query data are not easy. Due to the rapid development of information technology, the knowledge and experience have been digitized by information technology. Therefore, human knowledge and experience will be converted into digital data through information technology, and be saved and analyzed. In the past, the relevant operation information of the Shihmen Dam Reservoir are recorded by hand in hard copy to be saved. However, when making long-term storage, these hard copy are very easy to damage and lost, because other climatic, human and relocation behavior. In addition, due to the movement of personnel and retirees, the relevant operating experience are not easily to heritage and record. Therefore, in this study, an information system has be developed that the operation record and experience of Shihmen Dam Reservoir will be saved in the database management system. The developed information system can provide system manager to enhance the correctness of daily operation information, and the immediacy and accuracy of data can be increased. In summary, an information system is build in this study, then the human error rate of operation data recorded for Shihmen Dam Reservoir will be reduced. An online web interface is provided by our developed information system that the operation information of Shihmen Dam Reservoir can be queried. Therefore, the convenience of the operation for related staffs can be improved.


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