  • 學位論文


Analyzing Spatial Configuration of Campus Open Space Using Space Syntax

指導教授 : 王文傑


隨著時代的演變與進步,人們受教育的機會已越來越普遍。校園已不僅為學生學習的空間,現今校園內景觀空間的營造也已是普遍化的趨勢了。許多校園在規劃時往往以建築物配置為第一優先考量,而後剩餘的空間才做景觀規劃,零散空間因此產生,但一般行人是如何看待和使用這些空間呢?故本研究將運用空間型構法則(Space Syntax),探討這些由建築物所圍塑出來的開放空間與行人使用型態間之關係。 空間型構法則歷經近三十年的發展與應用,已證實能夠有效分析都市或建築內部空間與行人活動間的關係。本研究以探討校園內開放空間的使用型態,藉由空間型構理論來進行校園內使用的動線便捷度分析,針對朝陽科技大學及中州技術學院現有的人行步道,以動線型構分析方法來探討最佳人行動線的便捷值。因此,本研究以空間型構法則之動線型構分析方法(Axial Analysis)為理論基礎,透過Depth Map程式運算,作型構量化解析,藉以了解校園動線規劃之內在深層組構內涵,找出校園內開放空間組構元素之全區性與地區性相對便捷值(Rn、R3),再依據便捷值分佈,自開放空間組構元素中選出適當地點,實測行人數量,最後再以SPSS統計軟體針對便捷值與行人數量進行迴歸分析。 研究結果顯示本研究迴歸中州、朝陽數據資料分析,由以已知Rn值迴歸兩校建築、樹及車道、人行三層級總人數是否呈現明顯相關。所求得初步數據顯示,自動產生軸線及GIS所描繪之中軸線方式所計算出的顯著因子不佳,反觀以人為判斷的手繪方式顯現出因子皆呈現顯著性。


Space syntax is a popular set of theories and techniques for the analysis of spatial configurations at various scales. The basic concept behind space syntax is to partition the seemingly continuous interior or open space into smaller spatial components and then measure the inter-relationship among those components based on graph and network theories. These measures can be examined and compared with other related observations to understand the likely social effects of that spatial configuration. The spatial configuration analysis of urban settlement is one of the most popular applications of the space syntax because the linear nature of straight sight-line and possible path in most urban streets help urban open space be partitioned into axial spaces and represented by a graph called axial map. However, in a system of open spaces such as the campus of a university or college that unlike most cities lacks the long continuous building facades to explicitly delineate the axial spaces, using space syntax to analyze the spatial configuration of such as system may not be so straightforward. The current literature on space syntax does not seem to address this issue in detail or provide a clear guideline on how it should be done. This probably explains why space syntax does not yet widely adopted in the field of landscape design. Therefore this study focuses on how space syntax can be effectively used in the analysis of the spatial configuration of such open spaces as university or college campuses whose axial spaces are less obvious to delineate. In searching for a practical solution, this study takes a comparative approach by cross-examining what kind of open space partitioning schemes can provide the best goodness-of-fit to the actual pedestrian count in regression analysis. Specifically, three methods of generating the axial map are used: automatic generation by software, hand-drawn with the guidance of GIS-generated medium axes, and hand-drawn based on researcher’s personal understanding of the sites. To verify and gain more insight, the same approach is applied to both a university campus and a college one, which are quite distinct in their spatial layout. The result shows that currently the hand-drawn axial map based on researcher’s personal perception of the open space is still the best choice. In on particular case, the regression result implies that the local integration measure of space syntax can explain nearly 90% of the variation of the pedestrian count.


Medial Axis Pedestrian Campus Space Syntax Open Space


9.Kevin Lynch,1958,"A theory of urban" , the American Planning Association, Routledge.
1.Bill Hillier., and Hanson, J., 1984, " The social logic of space, Cambridge", Cambridge University Press.
4.Bin Jiang and Xintao Liu,2010,"Automatic Generation of the Axial Lines of Urban Environments to Capture What We Perceive", Division of Geomatics, Department of Technology and Built Environment University of Gavle, SE-801 76 Gavle, Sweden.


