  • 學位論文


The Study Of Local Residents'' Cognition and Attitude Towards Tourism Impact-The Case of in Chingjing Area.

指導教授 : 陳宗玄


中文摘要 清境地區是中部熱門的觀光景點,自921地震後,德基水庫路段無法通行,取而代之的是通過清境地區的台14甲線;於是通往梨山的菜車及觀光客大量湧入清境,民宿如雨後春筍的新建,土地的過度開發使用,使得清境地區不再清靜。 面對大量觀光客,首當其衝的是當地居民要面對的觀光衝擊--經濟,社會文化,環境所帶來的影響。本研究以清境地區當地居民為研究對象,利用問卷調查的方式蒐集資料,問卷調查結果共獲得354份有效問卷。 其研究結果發現,在觀光衝擊經濟認知方面,居民認為最大影響為增加農產品銷售機會;社會文化方面,以知名度提升影響最高;環境方面以當地公共設施獲得改善為最明顯。整體而言,當地居民對清境地區觀光發展認知趨向正面,且其態度還是支持推動觀光,認為觀光會帶動人潮增加經濟上收益;其二居民認為發展觀光對本地有正面影響;其三居民認為政府與民間應繼續推動觀光發展政策,使本地觀光發展產業不斷推陳出新。 關鍵字:認知,觀光衝擊認知,態度,觀光發展態度


Abstract The Chingjing area is a popular sight in the central Taiwan; ever since the 921 earthquake, the roads around the Te-Chi Reservoir are impassable, and they are replaced by the Tai-14A line passing the Chingjing area; therefore, the vegetable trucks heading for Lishan and tourists influx into the Chingjing area, many guest houses emerge like mushrooms after the rain and over-exploited land is commonly seen, making the Chingjing area no longer tranquil. Faced with a large number of tourists, what the local residents have to bear the brunt is to face the tourism impacts – those to the economy, society, culture and environment. This study samples the local residents in the Chingjing region, the questionnaires are used to collect data, and 354 valid questionnaires are obtained. This study reveals that as for the perception of economic impact, the greatest impact that these residents recognize is that the sales opportunity of agricultural products is enhanced; as for the socio-cultural aspect, the reputation being promoted is the most dominant; as for the environmental aspect, the local public facilities being improved is the most obvious. As whole, the local residents tend to be positive for the perception of the tourism development, show attitude to support the tourism development, think that tourism will arouse more tourists to increase the economic benefits ; second, the residents recognize that the tourism development has a positive impact; finally, the residents think that the public and private sectors should keep up with the tourism development so that the local tourism industry can keep growing. Keywords: recognize, tourism impact recognize, attitude, tourism development attitude


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