  • 學位論文


A Post-Occupancy Evaluation Improving Engineering of Taiyuan Greenway in Taichung City

指導教授 : 簡伃貞


綠園道及公園屬都市綠地系統中重要的一環,除具休憩功能及交通網絡串聯外,亦是居民日常生活所需的開放空間。過往綠園道相關研究中,偏重設施滿意度及重視程度兩方面,對於設計目標及效益評估較少著墨。使用後評估(POE)模式是針對建成後半年至一年內之設施進行評估,藉以瞭解工程成效是否與設計目標及使用者需求偶合,以建立後續具體之改善建議。本研究目的為探討:(一)不同使用者之社經背景、活動特性與偏好對改善工程後設施滿意度之差異;(二)不同使用者之社經背景、活動特性與偏好對園道整體使用滿意度之差異;(三)以POE模式提出太原園道改善工程之建議。 本研究以社經背景、活動特性與偏好為主要分析項目,進行園道設施及整體使用滿意度之問卷調查,並以環境調查法及行為觀察法輔助問卷結果,問卷總計發放452份,有效問卷數387份(85%),調查期間為2015年3月6日至3月13日;問卷結果顯示(一)社經背景、活動特性與偏好對改善工程後設施滿意度為1.男性、中低年齡層或活動時段在17點後之使用者對喬木(樹木)、地被(草花)、綠廊步道及照明設施有較高之滿意度;2.從事休閒散步或運動跑步之使用者對綠廊步道、出入口動線及無障礙設施有較高之滿意度;3.活動頻率為每天、已婚、高年齡層、無上班或遛狗者對地被(草花)、座椅及垃圾桶較不滿意;(二)社經背景、活動特性與偏好對園道整體使用滿意度為1.園道整體使用滿意度主要受施工品質及管理維護所影響;2.使用者期望多種植地被(草花)植物;3.園道內易造成環境髒亂行為需加強勸導;(三)以POE評估模式提出改善工程之結果為1.使用者對改善後設施滿意度為3.48比改善前滿意度為3.07高,對園道整體使用滿意度為3.40,但施工品質滿意度為3.16及管理維護滿意度為3.01未達使用者期望;2.本次設計目標一為重新鋪設平順的動線系統,目標二為增設照明設施及座椅,目標三為植栽修剪整理增加園道透光性,其中目標二「座椅」及目標三「地被(草花)」此兩項目未達成期望,因座椅擺放於曬光處及地被(草花)生長欠佳所致;3.近、中、遠程改善建議為近程需加強垃圾桶放位置及數量,並落實園道內禁止騎行自行車及遛狗留便之行為;中程需加強補植生長欠佳之植栽;遠程應落實管理維護制度,並建立園道環境與使用行為的調查資料。 本研究指出使用者對園道設施使用後滿意度主要受「施工品質」及「管理維護」影響,因此後續進行綠園道改善工程時需注意此兩項因素,使完工後綠園道效益(品質)更貼近使用者需求與期望,提升都市綠意及創造更豐富活動場域。


Greenway and parks are important parts of the urban green space system.Not only have the leisure functions and the connection of the transportation network, also needed open spaces in the citizens’ daily life. Previous researches in greenways laid particular emphasis on satisfaction and importance degree of in facilities rather than the goal of design and assessment of benefits. Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) model is the evaluation of the facilities completed within a half year to one year as to understand whether the effectiveness meet with the design goal and the users’ demands and to propose subsequent concrete suggestions for improvement. The aim of this study is to explore: 1. Difference socio-economic backgrounds and preferences for engineering improvement after of facilities satisfaction; 2. Difference socio-economic backgrounds and preferences for Overall Satisfaction; 3. Suggestions for the improving engineering of Taiyuan Greenway using POE model. The main analytical items in this study consisted of socioeconomic backgrounds and preferences of users, and questionnaire concerning of the greenway facilities satisfaction degree and overall satisfaction usage was conducted. The methods of environmental survey and behavioral observation were assistance for the questionnaire results. There were a total of 452 copies of questionnaires, and valid questionnaires accounted for 387 copies (85%). The investigation period consisted of March 6th to March 13th, 2015. The results of the questionnaire show 1. Difference socio-economic backgrounds and preferences for engineering improvement after of facilities satisfaction result is : (1) Male users, younger in age or active after 17:00 have higher satisfaction degree in terms of the Tree, Plants, Sidewalk and light facilities; (2) Walkers or joggers have higher degree of satisfaction in terms of the Sidewalk, Route and accessible environment; (3) Users with daily activity frequency, married, older in age, unemployed or walking dog have the least satisfaction degree in terms of the Plants, Seats and Rubbish bin; 2. Difference socio-economic backgrounds and preferences for Greenway Overall Satisfaction is: (1) Construction quality and management and maintenance are the main influential factors for the overall satisfaction degree ; (2) The users expected more groundcover plants planted; (3) Advises shall be given more frequently for people who cause environmental dirtiness in the greenways; 3. The results of the improving engineering provided from POE model are (1) Satisfaction degree after the improvement was 3.48 higher than 3.07 before the improvement. The overall satisfaction degree of Greenway is 3.40, but the satisfaction degree of the construction quality is 3.16 and management and maintenance is 3.01, not reaching to the users’ expectation; (2) The first goal of the improving engineering was to re-lay smooth route, the second goal was to increase light facilities and seats and the third goal was to increase the translucency of the Greenway by pruning and trimming. The “Seats” of the second goal and the “Plants” of the third goal have not meet the expectations as the Seats were placed in the light of the sun and the Plants had poor growth. (3) Short range improvement suggestions are to increase the number and the locations of the rubbish bin as well as to prohibit cycling and leaving feces of dog ; mid range improvement suggestion is to strengthen the plants had poor growth; long range improvement suggestion is to implement the management and maintenance system as well as to establish an investigation data for the Greenway environment and the user’s behavior. This study indicates that satisfaction degree of the user towards the Greenway and the facilities are main influenced by “the construction quality” and “management and maintenance”. Therefore, attention shall be paid to these two factors for further improving engineering of greenway, so that the post-occupancy greenway shall be closer to the user’s demands and expectations; thus, it will increase the urban greeness and create more dynamic activity areas.




