  • 學位論文


A Study of Interdependence Among Foreign Students'' Personality, Life''s Accommodation, Campus Experiences and Learning Effect in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃寶慧


面臨全球化及教育市場開放趨勢,世界先進國家無不積極招收外國學生。外國學生人數的多寡及品質的高低,已成為高等教育國際化的重要指標之一。我國開放境外生來台就讀學習,其目的就是促使國與國之間的彼此交流,提高國際化的水準。 然而台灣正面臨「少子化」的衝擊,未來出生率極可能低於死亡率,大專院校招生問題已成隱憂。過去10年來大專院校大幅增加至164所,招生市場呈現「供過於求」的局面,若無遠見、無危機感,學校未來恐因招生匱乏,而陷入無法正常營運甚至倒閉的危機。因此,招收境外生卻成為一個舒緩各大專院校招生不足的新契機。 境外生來台學習為取得學位,以越南及馬來西亞居多,加上陸生來台的熱潮,因此以2009年9月入學至2011年2月朝陽科技大學、逢甲大學及建國科技大學之境外生為本研究對象。研究方法採問卷調查法及一對一深入訪談法收集資料,以整理並比較境外生對校園經驗及生活適應問題,一窺境外生來台生活學習之全貌。 研究結果發現 1.境外生來台求學動機以對台灣有強烈好奇心、拓展國際觀及體驗不同學習方式主。 2.境外生來台機會多為原學校提供,科系多選擇原就讀科系或相關科系。 3.學費是來台獎學金有助於境外生來台學習的誘因及生活適應。 4.以尊重他人、有親切感、不會排斥改變與突破及能接受各種不同觀念之境外生,愈能提升其中文表達、自我了解、尊重及包容他人的能力,且與他人建立親密情誼。 5.愈能融入台灣環境之境外生,其自我肯定、中文表達能力、包容他人的能力及吸收新觀念或新知識的能力愈高。 6.上課認真聽講、準時出席、班上同學一起討論課業、人際關係良好及學習較無壓力之境外生,其自主性、獨立性、中文表達及自信、自我肯定、人際關係與專業知識及尊重他人能力提升愈高。 依據上述研究結果,建議政府在大眾運輸路線規劃上應多納入學校地點、增加外文說明及提供導覽手冊;對境外生的生活津貼補助,應不分公私立學校統一標準,並縮短境外生辦理健保等候時間;設立獎學金制度,吸引境外生來台就讀。縮短境外生來台就讀手續的時間、建議學校提供境外生企業實習、增加校園打工機會、開放彈性自由選課及開設生涯規劃、就業的課程;建議境外生來台前應先考量家庭經濟狀況,即使語言隔閡,也應勇敢表達自己的想法;鼓勵台灣生能主動關懷境外生、尊重並包容各國風俗民情,期望籍由良好的生活適應及校園經驗,提升學習成效並吸引更多的境外生來台就讀。


To confront directly the globalization and greater liberalization of the education market, advanced countries in the world are all active in foreign student recruitment. The number and level of quality of foreign students has been a major indicator of internationalization of higher education. Schools in Taiwan also open their doors to foreign students with the intention of encouraging mutual exchanges between countries and promoting international level of education. However, Taiwan is facing low fertility rates. It is quite possible that the birth rate may be lower than the death rate in the near future and college student shortages have now become a hidden problem. There was a sharp increase in number of colleges to 164 over the past ten years and there is some evidence that student markets can be subject to oversupply. With no vision and sense of crisis, student shortages may disrupt normal operations and cause schools to go bankrupt. Thus foreign student recruitment may help mitigate looming student shortages. The purpose of the study is to understand how foreign students adapt to the new environment and integrate themselves into campus life. Most foreign students interested in earning a degree in Taiwan come from Vietnam and Malaysia, and there is a rapid influx of Chinese students. The study is limited to the data collected through in-depth one-on-one interviews and questionnaires administered to foreign students enrolling to Chaoyang University of Technology, Feng Chia University, Chienkuo Technology University from September, 2009 through February, 2011. Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions are reached: 1.The strong curiosity about Taiwan, to develop international perspectives and experience a different learning style are motivations of foreign students to study in Taiwan. 2.Their schools offer them the opportunity to study in Taiwan. Most of them choose the same major or a major similar to their current one. 3.Full tuition scholarship is the incentive of foreign students to come to Taiwan. Scholarships also help them adapt to the new environment. 4.Foreign students who respect for others, are friendly, and do not refuse to change can better improve Chinese fluency skills and the ability to demonstrate self understanding, respect and tolerance for the view of others and establish close, ongoing friendships with people. 5.The more the international students can integrate themselves into the new environment, the better they are able to demonstrate self-confidence, self-acceptance, Chinese fluency skills, tolerance for the view of others and the ability of absorbing new ideas and new knowledge. 6.Foreign students who have settled well into class, listen carefully and contribute to class lessons, go to class on time, have good personal relationships with others and feel less stressed can better demonstrate autonomy, independence, Chinese fluency skills, self-confidence, self-acceptance, good interpersonal relationships, professional knowledge and respect for others. Implications: Based on the abovementioned findings, the study provides data summaries and recommendations that could be used by the authorities concerned in order to attract more foreign students, help them adapt to new environment and improve the learning efficiency. Bus routes should include stops at schools, foreign language instructions and tourist guides; either enrolling in a public or private school, all foreign students should get the same subsidies and living allowance; the wait time for the health insurance to become effective should be cut down; schools should offer scholarships to attract and retain foreign students; the process time for application should be reduced; schools should provide internships and on-campus job opportunities; schools should be more flexible with course options and have career planning and employment programs; before applying to study in Taiwan, foreign students should take their family financial status into consideration; foreign students should attempt to express their own ideas regardless of the language barrier; schools should promote respect for cultural diversity in the classroom and encourage local students to help out foreign students.




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