  • 學位論文


Exploring the consumer decision-making process for restaurant selection via the platform of smartphones

指導教授 : 何昶鴛


現今無線網路的蓬勃發展以及智慧型手機的便利功能,消費者可透過智慧型手機購買商品或服務。本研究以Engel, Kollat and Blackwell(1968)所提出的消費者購買決策模式作為理論基礎,探討消費者使用智慧型手機選擇餐廳的決策過程。本研究以問卷調查方式收集資料;樣本篩選條件為調查進行一個月之內曾使用智慧型手機搜尋餐廳資訊並前往用餐的大學生。本研究選取國內二所大學做為抽樣地點,以便利抽樣方式挑選受訪者填答問卷,共計獲得210份有效問卷。   本研究採用部份最小平方法(Partial least squares, PLS)分析資料並驗證模式。研究結果顯示:智慧型手機將原本儲存於消費者腦海的搜尋歷史紀錄或消費經驗儲存於書籤、備忘錄或記事本;這些儲存的資料可以在手機平台上顯示,使消費者的記憶由內隱性轉為具有外顯性。受訪者的內部搜尋可由查看儲存的資料開始,並以直接連結網址或網頁方式轉向外部搜尋。在進行外部搜尋的同時,所獲得的資訊經過篩選與處理也儲存於手機中,成為新的歷程紀錄。除了外部搜尋之外,受訪者亦會透過社會性資訊搜尋與他人交換或分享資訊,獲得更多資訊。但在進行外部搜尋與社會性資訊搜尋之後,行動商務消費環境使受訪者直接選擇餐廳而省略方案評估的步驟。本研究推測可能是資訊搜尋過程中,已有往返頁面或開啟多個視窗比較資訊,無須等待搜尋結束再評估選擇方案。而社會性資訊搜尋對於餐廳選擇與消費決策的影響性大於消費者個人外部搜尋。此外,本研究運用參照單位分析方法分析受訪者選擇餐廳的考慮因素,研究結果顯示:學生族群最重視餐廳所提供的菜色以及食材安全,其次是餐廳的口碑形象、人員服務以及環境氣氛,大於對價格與促銷折扣的重視,最不重是停車便利。本研究之研究結果可作為未來建構行動商務消費者決策過程的基礎,並根據研究限制,提出未來後續研究的方向與相關的實務建議。


The framework proposed by Engel, Kollat and Blackwell (1968) (so called the EKB model) has been widely applied in analyzing the buying decision processes of consumers. However, the inherent attributes of the mobile information environment have challenged the traditional assumptions which underpin the conventional theory and model. This current study attempts to fill some of the research gaps. Specifically, the purpose of this study is to revisit the traditional EKB model, examine the underlying assumptions, and explore its validity with a new look in the mobile Internet context. The proposed model, in terms of the consumer decision-making process for restaurant selection, is applied to the pre-purchasing stage, after a purchase problem has been recognized and the decision process starts. A survey was implemented to collect data and the respondents comprised students from 2 universities in Taiwan. The model is empirically assessed by 210 valid responses using partial least square (PLS) technique. One of the major contributions to the revised EKB model is to explicitly identify some intrinsic elements such as the cognitive load (memory storage) and information processing on the platform of smartphones. Further, these elements have impacts on consumer decision-making. It appears that restaurant consumers do not always go through the traditional elaborate sequence and make decision faster in the m-commerce environment. The step of alternative evaluation becomes vague or integrated into the mobile search by screening and filtering information. It was found that the social search and individual search have direct positive associations with the purchase behavior; furthermore, the new construct - social search has greater impact than individual mobile search on restaurant selection. The model provides researchers and marketers with a framework to understand consumer behavior on the mobile Internet and follow through in developing marketing strategies. Besides, the results of ridit analysis indicate that the food delicious factor, food safety, word-of-mouth, staffs’ service and the quality of environment were vital factors for customers’ restaurant selection; the convenient location, promotion and low price are less important to the restaurant customers who were university students. The implications of the research results are discussed and suggestions for future research are also proposed.




