  • 學位論文


A Study on the Kidult Design Style and It''s Application to the Picture Book

指導教授 : 徐洵蔚


現在社會競爭激烈,自由經濟下,不確定性讓成人因而對自我價值產生疑問,轉而懷念童年階段相對起來較輕鬆無慮的生活,這些人開始對帶有童趣的商品感興趣,有了這樣的變化後,原本只針對小孩的商品,例如:玩具、卡通,其銷售對象的年齡向上擴展,帶有童趣的設計興起,Kidult的設計風格開始產生。本研究以現象學領域的學者—梅洛龐蒂(Maurice Merleau-Ponty, 1908-1961)在審美思想上提出的審美活動:時間的距離、心理的距離、象徵的空間距離分析在國外被認為具有Kidult風格的動畫,做為繪本創作的設計參考。 創作主題方面,本創作研究以害羞的議題為核心,現在的社會競爭激烈,年輕人更需要透過表現自己來獲取機會,因此害羞者的個性會面臨更多挑戰,許多人因此直接的認為對於害羞的人來說改變害羞的個性是必然的選擇。本創作研究以繪本為媒介描述害羞者的內心,害羞之所以為問題在於它與主流社會產生了矛盾衝突,長大後害羞者依然重覆著童年時期就笨拙的社交技巧,無力改變,為了能更貼切的表現害羞者上述的經歷,有著類似之衝突與矛盾的Kidult表現手法為本繪本創作技法的表現形式,並且為了讓故事內容能適當的表達害羞者的內心,筆者參考心理學領域中的敘事治療療法,治療師引導受諮商者敘說自身經驗時所使用的敘事方法為繪本內容的敘事手法。本研究期望能透過繪本創作提供大眾一個了解害羞者內心的機會,並透過敘事治療中的敘事方法讓害羞者閱讀時能獲得啟發。


Free economy makes today’s society extremely competitive. The instability causes adults to pity their mere existence and question their self-worth, in turn, nostalgically recalling their worry-free childhood. As this specific group’s interest grows for what used to be categorized as children’s merchandise, such as toys or cartoons, they have become a new target market audience group for companies and designers. Productions for merchandise with the new style, Kidult, take its place in production lines. This study references perception and concept of aesthetics by Maurice Merleau-Ponty, 1908-1961, a phenomenology scholar. He brings up distance of time, distance of psychics, symbolic distance of space as aesthetics activities in his concept in perception of aesthetics. These concepts were used to analyze animations that are categorized as Kidult style in other countries. The results of the analysis serve as the main reference point for this picture book’s creation. The theme of this creation and the core topic of this study is shyness. In today’s highly competitive society, young adults need to be able to express themselves and prove themselves to others more than ever before, because this is seen as one of the only ways to gain more opportunities. Individuals with a shy personality face more challenges than ones who are not. Many people think this is a direct effect on such individuals and believe changes in their personality are inevitable. This study of creation uses picture books as a medium to express the inside of a shy person. The reason why shyness is a problem in main stream society is because it presents a conflict. Shy individuals continue with their poor unimproved social skills from childhood through adulthood, unable to change. To better express the experiences mentioned above, the contradictive Kidult style is the main technique used to create and form the picture book. In order to better express the inner world of shy individuals, the content of the picture book is based on stories told by shy individuals receiving narrative therapy sessions with a psychological therapist. The therapist would lead individuals to tell their life experiences, express their feelings, and explain their thoughts with specific narrative method of narrative therapy as part of the healing process. This picture book’s narrative style uses similar method as well. Hopefully, through this picture book which can be served as inspiration to inspire shy readers and give the public a chance to understand them.


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