  • 學位論文


Research on the Key Successful Strategies of Introducing a BPR and ERP System by Using Strategy Map and QFD

指導教授 : 林均燁


台灣企業近年來「逐水草而居」來降低企業生產成本,哪一國家的國民所得低,就往當地發展,從前台商出走至大陸設廠,後來大陸薪資成長,台商轉戰東南亞,許多企業又秉持著「根需留本土」意識,企業經營版圖逐漸延伸至多個國家,企業管理面上出現難以控管,以往的資源及設備不符合現況經營模式,因此紛紛開始進行變革管理與系統升級;而變革過程中最重要關鍵就是流程再造與資訊即時整合。   企業在進行版圖擴張時,舊有企業資源規劃ERP系統已經無法因應企業流程實際需求,需要重新導入一套ERP系統,並且在新ERP系統導入過程中同時透過企業流程再造檢視並再造企業內部流程的任何不合理現象。尤其是在ERP專案導入與執行過程中會遇到許多舊思維與新觀念的衝擊,以及企業內部(系統使用者、單位主管)與外部資源(系統顧問)協調溝通上的不順利。如何透過企業流程再造的過程真正再造企業組織的能力與效率,著實是ERP導入成功的關鍵。 為此,本研究以策略地圖方法整合品質機能展開之應用,用以建構企業流程再造與ERP系統導入的關鍵成功戰略模式。期望本論文的成果可以成為其他同業進行企業流程再造及ERP導入的典範。


In recent years, Taiwan industries have to chase for and move to low labor cost countries to cost down overall cost for surviving. Industries used to move factories to China. However, after the salary grows in China, most industries have to move their battle fields to southeastern Asia countries. While one industry keeps the mindset of "rooted in Taiwan" as a business consensus, and by the day its business territory has expanded to a transnational status, its operation management will become even more tedious because the past resource management facilities has not been updated. Therefore, transformation management and system updates is required and, during the transformation, business process reengineering and real-time information integration are two key important steps.   During the expansion of a company, old enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is no longer fulfilling the requirement of the current business processes. A new ERP system needs to be introduced, and uses business process reengineering method to investigate and reengineer all of the unreasonable processes in the current business status at the mean time of introducing new ERP system. Especially in the ERP implementation process, the company will encounter many conflicts between old thoughts and new concepts along with many coordination and communication issues between In-house (system users, unit managers) and external resources (system consultants). How to use business process reengineering to truly reshape organizational capability and performance in an enterprise is indeed the key successful issue of introducing a new ERP system.   Therefore, this study integrates the strategy map method and the application of quality function deployment to construct the key successful strategy model of introducing enterprise process reengineering and a ERP system. It is expected that the results of this paper can become a model of enterprise process reengineering and ERP introduction for other industries.


【4】林文寶、許佳新,運用專案期間模型探討企業導入 ERP 關鍵成功 因素之研究─以 A 電腦公司為例,台灣銀行季刊,第六十一卷,第三期。
【19】Michael Hammer and James Champy著,Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution,出版社:HarperCollins US(1993)
