  • 學位論文


Using Kano Model to Explore the Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of Passenger High-speed Ship

指導教授 : 孫德修


摘 要 本研究旨在探討旅客搭乘高速輪之服務品質與顧客滿意度之研究,運用「Kano二維模式」找出高速輪旅客對各個服務品質屬性之認知,再透過「重要度-滿意度」之分析,找出服務品質對高速輪旅客的重要度與滿意度,以協助管理者找到高速輪服務品質改善策略之重點。最後,探討高速輪不同的人口特性對高速輪服務品質之重要度與滿意度之看法是否有所差異。本研究以中部地區臺中港搭乘高速輪之旅客為研究對象,採用自陳式問卷方式進行,發出300份問卷,扣除無效問卷後,回收有效問卷185份。統計方法包括:信度分析、驗證性因素分析、使用描述性統計分析以瞭解實際情況、Kano二維模式、重要度─滿意度模式、採用獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析瞭解其相關影響因素。 經本研究結果發現,高速輪旅客之各項服務品質能依據「Kano二維模式」將高速輪旅客對於服務品質之實際感受予以歸類,其中在19項服務品質項目中,有1項品質屬性歸類為「魅力品質」,此項是相當重要的品質要素;有13項品質屬性歸類於「一維品質」,表示此些服務項目提供的愈多,對高速輪旅客服務品質滿意度而言也愈有可能提升;有5項服務品質項目之品質屬性歸類為「當然品質」,表示此些服務是理所當然的,必備的,且絕對不能缺少,一定要維持的項目。在「重要度-滿意度」部分,在高速輪19項服務品質項目中,共有7項服務品質項目落在「優越區域」,有6項落在「有待改進區域」,有2項落在「過剩區域」,有4項落在「不必費心區域」。在年齡、職業與使用目的部分皆對其服務品質重要度與滿意度有不同差異。研究結果將可提供高速輪業者或相關單位、後續研究者之實務推動與研究的參考。 關鍵字:高速輪、服務品質、顧客滿意度、Kano二維品質模式


Abstract This study investigated the service quality and customer satisfaction of passengers traveling on high-speed passenger ferries (hereafter referred to as “passengers”). A Kano two-dimensional model was applied to identify the perception that passengers had regarding each service quality attribute. The importance and satisfaction of service quality for passengers were identified through an importance–satisfaction analysis to assist managers in determining strategies and focuses for improving their service quality. Finally, this study determined whether differences existed between passengers’ views regarding the level of emphasis on service quality and their satisfaction with high-speed ferry service quality, based on their demographic characteristics. Study participants were selected from passengers in the Port of Taichung in central Taiwan and the research was conducted with self-report questionnaires. In total, 300 copies of the questionnaire were distributed and 185 valid responses were returned. The statistical methods comprised a reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, descriptive statistical analysis (to understand the passengers’ perceptions), Kano two-dimensional model, importance–satisfaction analysis, independent samples t test, and one-way analysis of variance (to understand the related affecting factors). The findings revealed that for each service quality attribute, the Kano two-dimensional model could be used to categorize passengers’ perceptions regarding service quality. The 19 service quality items were divided into three categories: “attractive quality,” which had one item that was a considerably crucial quality attribute; “one-dimensional quality,” which had 13 items that were positively associated with passengers’ satisfaction with service quality (which increased when more of these items were provided); and “must-be quality,” which had five items that were taken for granted but necessary. According to the results of the importance–satisfaction analysis, the 19 service quality attributes could be alternatively categorized as “keep up the good work” (seven items), “concentrate here” (six items), “possible overkill” (two items), and “low priority” (four components). Age, occupation, and reason for traveling on the ferries all had varying effects on passengers’ perceptions regarding the level of emphasis on and satisfaction with service quality. These findings can serve as a reference for high-speed ferry operators or related agencies, as well as for future researchers. Keywords: Passenger high-speed ship, Service quality, Customer Satisfaction, Kano's two-dimensional quality model


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