  • 學位論文


A Study on the Materials of Jewel Cases for Imitating the Ancient Styles

指導教授 : 陳立杰


最近興起的田園鄉村風格,除了大量採用自然材質與溫暖配色外,木頭家具上留下故意作舊的使用痕跡,反而呈現一種手工的缺陷美感,由此可見,懷舊與復古風潮悄悄的在不同領域蔓延,希望藉著懷念以往美好時光,重新詮釋新的生活態度。 本研究目的為探討仿舊模式的附加價值,以及什麼樣的仿舊模式運用在不同材質上可以提高產品的價值。首先透過現況調查了解使用者對仿舊商品的各項感受,分析出仿舊模式的附加價值,接著調查適合使用仿舊的商品與篩選文獻中可接受的仿舊模式,最後搭配實驗設計提出未來設計仿舊商品之原則。 在第一部份裡,仿舊模式之附加價值可分為四類,分別為(1)產品有與眾不同的感覺: 是一種新的表現風格;(2)懷舊的情感:產品在使用過程中讓人回想到以往時光,產生懷舊的情感;(3)產品有質感: 產品本身散發出與一般工業產品不大一樣的感覺;(4)彰顯身份: 使用後會讓人覺得自己是行家,彰顯專業經驗。 第二部份經由第一部分延伸實驗,得出四種材質之可能仿舊模式。木頭材質在傳統風格產品中,完整而平滑的模式最容易在使用時,彰顯使用者身分;皮革材質在現代風格產品中,汙損的舊化方式可以讓使用者達到彰顯身份的感覺。 絨布材質在傳統風格與現代風格中的結果不同。絨布汙損的模式運用在傳統風格之產品上可以讓產品有與眾不同的感覺、有同時讓使用者有懷舊情感、並且使得產品有質感而讓使用者彰顯其身分。但在現代風格之產品上,無法表現這四大要素。 金屬的氧化模式運用在傳統風格中則較容易表現產品質感;而完整的金屬電鍍在現代風格中則可以增加產品質感並且彰顯使用者身份。然而金屬的生鏽模式,在兩個風格中均無顯著效應,表示生鏽的模式並不適合運用在仿舊商品中。 由此可知,不同材質的仿舊模式可以在產品中表現不同的仿舊觀感;相同材質的同一種仿舊模式運用在傳統風格與現代風格的產品中,會產生出不同的感覺;而相同材質的不同仿舊模式運用在不同風格的產品中,也會產生不一樣的效果。


The recent cottage style is accomplished not only by using natural materials and warm colors, but also by carving and roughing the furniture surface to express the beauty of hand craftsmanship and usage marks. This trend is becoming popular in specific types of products that deliver wonderful memory to the new life. The objective of this research is to study the essential elements of materials and surface textures that enhance the quality of the products by imitating the ancient. First, through questionnaire survey and interview, the author analyzed users’ opinions about products imitating the ancient and their added value. Second, the author selected the product appropriate for imitating the ancient style, and collected possible textures of usage marks from the literature. Finally, the author derived design principles based on users’ perceptions of experiment samples with different combinations of product styles, materials and usage marks. Based on the analysis of questionnaire survey and interview, products that imitate the ancient style have the added value as follows. (1) Product Differentiation: It is an entire new style. (2) Emotion of the Past: The scenario brings users back to the past with the old memories and emotion. (3) Texture Quality: the product has better quality in the appearance compared to regular industry products. (4) Enhanced user status: demonstrating owners’ tastes and professional experience when using the product. After the analysis of experiments on samples with different combinations of product styles, materials and usage marks, the following design principles for the textures of different materials were derived. (1) Wood: The traditional wooden products with delicate and smooth finishing can enhance the user’s status. (2) Leather: Man-made fading or spotty finishing of the leather on modern products can enhanced the user’s status. (3) Flannelet: The effect of applying flannelet on the traditional shape is different from that of the modern shape. The fading flannelet on the traditional shape can successfully convey the four added values of products imitating the ancient. However, it does not express the same way on the products with the modern shape. (4) Metal: Applying the slightly oxidized metal on the traditional shape can express special texture quality. Applying the electroplated metal on the modern shape not only delivers the image of high quality but also enhances users’ status. However, applying the rusted metal on either shape makes no significant difference. As the result, the rusted metal is not appropriate for the products imitating the ancient. Generally speaking, different ways of imitating the ancient bring out different feelings. There are differences in users’ perception between the traditional shape and the modern shape, even under the same condition of materials and texture. Different usage marks on the same material result in different perceptions for products with traditional and modern shapes.


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陳煒昇(2015)。以美式復古風格設計元素 於產品設計之運用〔碩士論文,逢甲大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0210501
