  • 學位論文


Application on the Symbolic Images of Taiwanese Temple on Product Form

指導教授 : 劉弘章


全球化浪潮下,以創意產業結合文化靈感、創意,並帶來發展潛能與就業,是台灣發展及轉型的契機。在面對全球化,設計要走上國際舞臺之際,產品必須具有差異性,才有立足之地。如果只是一味西化,在歐美文化下的工業設計上著墨,充其量只能與其並駕齊驅。把創新焦點聚焦在自己文化中找出老祖宗的智慧、突顯自己文化上對生活獨特的觀點,所產生的設計更有獨特性,更具吸引力與市場競爭力,也不易被模仿。 科技的發達、全球化的風潮席捲全球的同時,社會價值丕變、工作競爭更形劇烈,生活的種種壓力,讓人喘不過氣。一股懷舊及追求身心靈的釋放與滿足的風潮興起,這與傳統文化中所追求的幸福、平安、吉祥的人生哲學,是不謀而合。 台灣廟宇與生活貼近且具地方特色,是保留豐富文化氣息的場所。因此本研究就文化符號與台灣廟宇圖案等相關文獻進行探討,瞭解台灣廟宇中的圖案與文化意涵。並據此進行問卷設計,進行問卷調查,整理出具有「幸福」、「平安」、「吉祥」意象的圖案,提供產品造形的靈感。 但是本土化的設計並不是傳統式樣的翻版或模仿,而是具有傳統語彙模式的運用,又有新鮮感覺的融合,使本土化設計不致於淪為浮面的、表面的、樣式的本土化作品。根據本研究發現: 1. 運用寺廟圖案在產品造形的靈感上,可以根據所要的意象,選擇適當的圖案。「幸福」造形的圖案,可以選用鶴、雞、芭蕉;「平安」造形,可以選用卍字、獅、鶴;「吉祥」則可以用鳳、麒麟、龍等較具神秘的色彩的神話動物。 2. 「幸福」、「平安」、「吉祥」等意象的代表性的語彙-「喜悅的」、「和諧的」、「安定的」、「健康的」、「祥和的」,正是衡量提案是否平衡、達到「幸福」、「平安」、「吉祥」等意象的感知評量的指標。 本研究結果可以提供後續研究者或是以台灣廟宇圖案進行生活用品創作靈感的設計者,利用傳統符號意象進行聯想和創意發想的方法,與具體的評估參考,提高設計成品的認同度。


廟宇圖案 造形


With the globalization rising, combination with innovation industry and cultural inspiration creates more chances and career for people living in Taiwan. Products must differ from other countries’ one, therefore Taiwan’s design may has the opportunity to be outstanding in the world. Merely based on Western culture to develop industry design, it’s hard to compete with other countries. Instead, focus on traditional culture to discover ancestor’s wisdom will makes our designs more unique and attractive and competitive. The more technologies develop the more work and living stress grows. Many people tend to peruse the life style of simplicity, nature, and retro, and it agrees with the life philosophy of our traditional culture, like happiness, peace, and good fortune. Taiwanese temples are close to people’s life and full of rich local culture relic. Our study discusses on the temple and symbolic images within them to discover the culture meanings. Through the questionnaire investigation and analysis, we try to find out how volunteer describe happiness, peace, and good fortune with some words and what is the feeling about symbolic images of Taiwanese temple. But the localization design means the combination of traditional images and fresh feeling instead of copies of traditional pattern. We propose some design samples which applies the symbolic samples of Taiwanese temples to express the images, like happiness, peace, and good fortune. Through the second questionnaire investigation and analysis, we try to find out whether the volunteer can feel the same image of design proposals as which the symbolic images they feeling. The results can offer reference evaluation of design idea generation for other researchers and the product designers who use symbolic images of Taiwanese temple as creative inspiration to enhance the popularity in market.


14.劉庭易,2003,以安迪‧高茲渥斯(Andy Goldsworthy)為例─淺析自然材質與造形的關係,造形藝術學刊,451-465頁


