  • 學位論文


Use Ultra-weak chemiluminescence analyzer on the Antioxidative of Tea

指導教授 : 段國仁


本研究利用超微弱化學發光測定法(ultra-weak chemiluminescence)檢測茶葉萃取物的抗氧化活性成分在清除超氧陰離子自由基(superoxide anion radical)與羥(氫氧)基自由基的能力。一共檢測日本抹茶、鐵觀音茶、碧螺春茶、龍井茶、太平猴魁茶、黃山毛尖茶、包種茶、高山烏龍茶、金萱茶、東方美人茶、普洱沱茶、滇門紅茶、峨嵋毛峰 13種樣品。 結果茶葉萃取物能有效的清除超氧陰離子之自由基,清除效果以生茶或低度發酵茶如龍井茶、碧螺春、太平猴魁、金萱茶、日本抹茶為佳,全發酵茶如滇門紅茶、普洱沱茶則清除超氧陰離子的能力相對較差。在清除清除羥基自由基能力方面,仍然以生茶或低度發酵茶如太平猴魁、日本抹茶、碧螺春、金萱茶為佳。茶的萃取物在清除羥基自由基的測試系統中,又會衍生出很多的自由基,使測試效果發生干擾。


The present study employed ultra-weak chemiluminescence method to detect the antioxidant activities from tea extracts to scanvage superoxide anion free radical and hydroxyl free radicals. We investigate 13 tea samples, they are Japanese green tea powder, Tie guanyin tea, Biluochun tea, Longjing tea, Taiping houkui tea, Huangshan maojian tea, Pouchong tea, Oolong tea, Jinxuan tea, Oriental beauty tea, Puer tuo tea, Dian men black tea, Emei maofeng tea. The results indicated that all of the tea extracts from the 13 samples had scavenging activity for superoxide anion free radical. Among them, the green tea, or low fermented tea, such as Longjing tea, Biluochun tea, Taiping houkui tea, Jinxuan Tea, and Japanese green tea powder ranked as the best ones. The black tea, or total fermented tea, such as Puer tuo tea, Dian men black tea, showed the least antioxidant activities. All of the tea extract also had hydroxyl free radical scavenging activity. The green tea, such as Taiping houkui tea, Japanese green tea powder, Biluochun tea, Jinxuan tea again had the best scavenging activity for hydroxyl free radical. In the method of detecting scavenging activity for hydroxyl free radical, many free radicals were generated to interfere in the detection.


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