  • 學位論文

工作流程管理系統與企業資源規劃之整合架構 -以作業管控系統為例-

An Integrated Framework of Workflow Management System And Enterprise Resource Planning. -Using the Example of PCS

指導教授 : 陳志誠


許多企業導入企業資源規劃系統之後,在傳遞訊息的過程之中,經常會因為資訊無法及時的掌握與負責的各部門所在地點距離過於遙遠等等因素,浪費掉許多不必要的時間成本,進而影響到運作時程的延誤而導致公司的損失,以及結案後所必須釐清劃分的責任歸屬等等問題的出現,會有這些情況發生,是因為在系統導入之前,未考慮到作業流程控管的必要性,而本研究的論述重點主要針對不具有或不完整流程控管功能的傳統企業資源規劃系統為對象,利用以工作流程管理系統(Workflow Management System)概念為核心的作業管控系統所提供的流程控管功能與其建構在網際網路介面上的環境,將企業資源規劃系統中的業務流程定義到作業管控系統平台上進行控管,隨時透過網際網路來確認流程進度與回報,克服以往人員作業因素所產生的時程延誤,以利於決策單位做出最佳的流程策略及調度,並將之整合在一起,建置出兩個異質系統所組成的協同平台,增加流程管理上的彈性,之後透過問卷針對目前使用作業管控系統的企業人員進行調查,其結果顯示在流程處理效率之有關問項,會因從業年齡與職位的不同,而有不同的反應與看法,最後進行專家訪談評估本研究架構之可行性與建議,讓本系統架構具有更大的發展空間,也替缺乏流程管控之企業,提供一項解決之道。


Owing to the lack of system integration and the distribution of business units, many companies cannot harvest fruitfully from their IT systems because of high cost and time wastage after the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP). One of the reasons is the improper process control. In this study, we focus on the simple ERP systems that lack process management. Based on the concept of workflow management, we develop a Process Control System (PCS) system to assist all team members to collaborate in their project. The web-based PCS will help to assign tasks, observe the execution of projects, and set alerts for the delayed unit. All these will be done on an integrated platform, overcoming the problem of complicate communication and control. Questionnaires are administered to the people who have used PCS. The result shows that with the help of PCS, a manager can better control the progress of a project in terms of time-saving and collaboration. After interviews with some experts, it is agreed that integration of ERP with PCS is promising for the businesses lack of process management.


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李政儒(2014)。用網路服務整合工作流程 與企業資源規劃系統〔碩士論文,長榮大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6833/CJCU.2014.00196
