  • 學位論文


Quality and Economies of Scale in Taiwan Higher Education: An application of Meta-Frontier Cost Malmquist Productivity Gap Index

指導教授 : 楊永列


本文運用共同邊界成本麥氏指數來分析台灣高等教育的績效和生產效率指數,DEA和SFA作為目前評估和比較不同效率的兩種比較好的研究方法,因此本文選擇共同邊界成本麥氏指數來對台灣績效進行分析。儘管如今已有大量學者對高等教育的績效進行了相關的效率績效分析與研究,然而他們的研究結果并不盡如人意,指導作用仍差強人意。近來,很多學者專注于尋找及提高高校教育質量績效的方法與影響因素的系統性分析方法。同時關於技術缺口邊際效率的討論也相當激烈,技術缺口邊際效率不僅可以看做研究高等教育績效的關鍵指數,也是台灣高等教育改革的重要指導。 本文主要研究目的是對台灣高等教育績效進行評估與分析,為台灣高等教育的運營者提供改革指導參考。研究通過對49所公立大學和96所私立大學從2015年至2017共三年的樣本數據進行分析得出全樣本CMPG為1.027,代表成本面生產力呈改善現象,並且群組成本邊界以2.7%的年均增速向共同邊界成本邊界收斂。同時可以得出,組別成本效率的收斂效果主要來自于公立學校。另外,就個別群組來觀察全期間公立學校和私立學校的CMPG值均大於1,表示實證期間內,公私立高校的成本面生產力均呈改善現象。


This paper applies the Meta-Frontier Cost Malmquist Productivity Gap Index to analyze the performances and productivity index in the higher education of Taiwan, for the driven that the DEA and SFA are the two preferable methods to estimate and compare the efficiency of different characteristics. Despite a bunch of scholarships has conducted a series of researches on the efficiency of higher education, yet the outcome of them is still incapable of guiding the higher education clearly to improve their efficiency and performance.Recently, the researchers are indulging themselves in deducing the cause of differences in efficiency and productivity, in term of which there are few systematic estimations and discussions regarding the margin of the technology gap leading to the different productivity which is regarded not only as a key information to inspect the efficiency of higher education, but can be taken to direct the higher education reform. The main purpose of this paper is to capture the performance and efficiency of higher education of Taiwan. The main purpose of this paper is to capture the performance and efficiency of higher education of Taiwan so as to present a reliable reform guiding to the conductor of HELs of Taiwan. Statistical results based on date for 49 public universities and 96 private universities Taiwan's HELs for 2015 to 2017, the all sample CMPG (1.027) means an improvement in groups productivity and group cost frontier converges to Meta cost frontier at the speed of 2.7%, and the group technology convergence effect mainly comes from public HELs. Besides ,as for the specific group,the values of CMGP HELs in public and private are both greater than 1 ,indicate both of which have an improvement in cost-oriented productivity of them.


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