  • 學位論文


Sun-moon Lake industry and is developed cognitivly with the relation of the operation performance

指導教授 : 林銘昌


日月潭國家風景區為國內少數具國際知名度之景點,轄區內販賣農特產品及紀念品之商店、旅館、飯店、餐飲及民宿及遊艇業者林立。89年2月1日列為國家風景區後,公部門持續的投入經費,進行軟硬體建設,區內整體景觀及觀光產業從業人員素質已逐漸提升。但對於轄區內觀光相關產業之營運現況調查、分析工作仍未臻完備,因此,本研究擬針對日月潭國家風景區轄區內,環日月潭地區為主之相關業者水社商圈與伊達邵商圈為代表,進行經營狀況調查分析。同時本研究擬設計量表,評估日月潭轄內相關業者對觀光發展的認知,檢驗業者的認知與營運狀況。 從整體來說居民略偏向正面的認知,也就是觀光對日月潭地區所來的影響是偏向好的。進而發現居民對策略聯盟的認知是較高的,代表日月潭商家很能接受策略聯盟的概念,近一年商家收入減少,也影響到對於經濟面的認知程度。 在整體財務績效上,還是有進步,但幅度不是很高,遊客每次消費的金額也是成長最少的一環。在整體服務績效上,只有微幅的增加,業者感受最深的就是遊客滿意度有小幅度的增加,而在顧客消費後的售後服務也有成長。在整體學習成長績效上,只有微幅的增加。 整體觀光認知在財務績效上,「社區經濟生活與環境之惡化」是相關度最強的負向變項而且呈現顯著,可知社區經濟生活與環境之惡化對於業者在財務認知上越負面,業者在社區經濟文化與生活之增進對於正面經營績效也越高。不過「社區經濟生活與環境之惡化」上,可知道社區經濟生活的惡化對於觀光認知的評價越低,而「組成社區策略聯盟」則與學習成長績效為正向變項而且呈現顯著,可知社區目前的策略聯盟對於各家業者學習與成長方面有相當的助益。「創新服務」在服務績效及學習成長績效上亦是呈現正相關,證明創新加值服務能提升服務及學習成長的績效。


Sun Moon Lake National Park is a world-famous scenic spot in Taiwan. In the Park, there are lots of stores selling local food and souvenirs, and lots of hotels, hostels, restaurants and yachts. Since it became a National Park on February 1, 2000, the local government has spent a great sum of money in certain areas, resulting in the beauty of local view and the improvement of the quality of the servicemen. However, the condition of business-running in the park is still unknown. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to investigate the condition of business-running in the areas of Shueishe and Ita Thao, which are near the Sun Moon Lake. A scale was designed to understand businessmen’s cognition toward the development of tourism and their business-running condition. The results of the study showed that local people and businessmen had a positive cognition toward tourism. They thought tourism would bring a better future to the areas of Sun Moon Lake. Besides, most people could accept the concept of strategic ally. The reducing profits also affected businessmen’s cognition toward economy. There was an improvement in the finance, but the money the visitors spent in the area did not rise much. A slight improvement was reflected in tourists’ satisfaction toward services. A slight improvement was also found in the learning and growth of businessmen. There was a negative correlation between finance and “the area’s economy and the worsening environment.” This shows that the improvement of the area’s economy and life will bring a better effect to the business-running. On the contrary, the worsening of the area’s economy and life will affect the tourism. Besides, there was a positive correlation between the foundation of strategic ally and the efficiency of learning and growth. This means that the current strategic ally has done a great help to the businessmen’s learning and growth. Finally, there was a positive correlation between creative service and the efficiency of learning and growth, proving creative services can help promote the efficiency of service and the efficiency of learning and growth.


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1. Britton, S. (1991)Tourism, capital, and place: towards a critical geography of Tourism, Environmental and Planning. Society and Space, 9:451-478.


