  • 學位論文


Analysis of the correlation between leisure activity participation and life satisfaction for the elderly people

指導教授 : chiaolee CHU


目的:探討影響台灣地區高齡者生活滿意度之相關因子,並進而了解休閒活動參與與生活滿意度間之關係。 方法:採次級資料分析,利用行政院衛生署國民健康局人口與健康調查研究中心2003年完成之「臺灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查-長期研究」第五次調查完訪之資料,57歲以上共3,778位,本研究擷取65歲以上之高齡者並扣除其中生活滿意度量表不完全、由他人代答或無法回答者者,分析樣本共2,473人。 「生活滿意度量表」使用SWLS(Satisfaction with Life Scale)量表 部份取自LSIA(Life Satisfaction Index A)的態度問項發展而來,此 量表由受訪者自評一生生活狀況的看法或感覺,生活滿意度量表係由 12道題目之題組所組成,所得到之總分介於0至12分之間,最低分為0 分,最高分為12分,其分數越高代表高齡者對生活滿意度越高。 自變項中,主要分為人口學基本特性、身體情況、心理情況、休閒活動參與等四大類,其中又將休閒活動分為視聽娛樂、社交活動及戶外休閒等三大部分,並以各類活動之參與頻率及參與種類數進行分析探討,以瞭解對生活滿意度之影響。 結果:樣本整體生活滿意度平均值為8.00±3.08分。線性迴歸分析結果中,在控制其它變項的影響下,對高齡者而言,參與「社交活動」與「戶外休閒活動」者其生活滿意度較高,且參與頻率愈高及參與種類數愈多者其整體生活滿意度亦愈高;其他顯著影響生活滿意度之變項為女性、其他省籍、有配偶、經濟滿意度好、有工作者、自覺健康狀況良好、無憂鬱情形、無健康壓力、無經濟壓力、無與家人健康經濟工作相關壓力者其生活滿意度較高。 結論:由研究結果得知,參與「社交活動」與「戶外休閒活動」者其生活滿意度較高,且參與頻率愈高及參與種類數愈多者其整體生活滿意度亦愈高。故應鼓勵高齡者多走出戶外,並參與能與人互動的休閒活動並使高齡者體認參與休閒活動的重要性,以提高生活滿意度。政府政策上可激發高齡者參與休閒活動,設置適合高齡者活動之環境及視聽娛樂節目,以提高其生活滿意度並確保經濟安全建立保障制度,使高齡者得已以達到經濟安全的安適狀態,以增進高齡者知生活滿意度。


Objective: This study aimed to investigate the related factors influencing the life satisfactory for the elderly and to understand the relationship between the participation of leisure activity and the life satisfaction of the elderly. Method: The present study was based on the secondary data. It used the data from “The Longitudinal Sample Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan” conducted in 2003 by the predecessor organization of the Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health. The total samples were 3778. However, in the present study, only samples over 65 and those who completely answered the SWLS (Satisfaction with Life Scale) and answered it by themselves were considered. Therefore, the total samples involved in the study were 2473. The measurement of life satisfaction in the adopted data was based on SWLS(Satisfaction with Life Scale) and was partly adopted from LSIA (Life Satisfaction Index A). It was constructed with twelve items, each of which could be answered with 0 or 1. The total scores for the measurement would range from 0 to 12. The higher the rank was, the better the elderly felt regarding their lives. Each participant had to answer each question regarding their views on their life conditions or feelings. In the study, independent variables included social demography, physical condition, psychological condition, and leisure activity participation. In addition, leisure activity participation was further categorized into three as: multi-media entertainment、social activities、outdoor activities. The present study investigated the participation frequency and categories of activity participation so as to understand their effect on the life satisfactory. Result: The average score for the life satisfactory of the samples were8.00±3.08 . The analysis of Liner Regression showed that under the control of other variables, for the elderly, those who participated in social activities or outdoor activities had higher life satisfaction. Similarly, those who frequently participated in the activities and those who participated in more different kinds of activities, overall, had higher life satisfactory. Other variables influencing life satisfactory included their sex, provinces, no depression,no ecnimic stress. Conclusion and Suggestion: Based on the results, those who participated in social activities or outdoor activities had higher life satisfaction. Similarly, those who frequently participated in the activities and those who participated in more different kinds of activities, overall, had higher life satisfactory. Therefore, it is of great importance to encourage the elderly to walk out, to participate in more interactive activities, and to raise their awareness of the importance of activity participation so as to increase their life satisfactory. It should also emphasized that providing the elderly with a better environment ,multi-media entertainment and a better economic save policy will make it possible for increasing the life satisfactory of the elderly.


劉慧如(2008)。 臺北市老人休閒藍圖、休閒滿意度與生活滿意度


