  • 學位論文


Elderly’s participation in productive activities and related factors

指導教授 : 徐慧娟


本研究主要目的在於瞭解65歲以上老年人參與生產力活動之情形,首先定義生產力活動及測量方式,其次對於影響參與生產力活動之相關因素進行分析,最後提出建議做為促進成功老化之參考。 研究資料來源為2004年臺中健康暨管理學院醫務管理學系徐慧娟博士所進行的「台灣老人之成功老化研究Ⅱ」橫斷性研究,採面對面問卷訪問方式來進行資料蒐集。研究對象為利用三段分層抽樣法(Three-stage Stratified Method)及PPS(Probability Proportional to Size)抽出720位居住在苗栗縣市的65 歲以上的老年人,樣本完訪率為81.1%。 生產力活動的定義為包括有酬工作及無酬但具有經濟價值之活動,無酬且具有經濟價值的活動,可分為五種類型活動:(一)參與有酬或無酬工作(二)參與幫忙家人照顧孫子、日常生活照顧、慢性疾病照顧(三)參與園藝(四)參與幫忙親友(五)參與義務性社會活動。統計方法採用邏輯迴歸(logistic regression),在控制其他研究變項之下,用以分析瞭解影響老年人參與生產力活動的相關因素。 研究發現,目前有參與生產力活動的老年人所佔比率為60.1%,其中以參與幫忙家人類型為最多,之後依序為園藝、持續工作、義務性的社會活動及幫忙親友。而老年人認為參與生產力活動的主要動機是為了希望讓生活更有意義及維持健康。多數老年人認為,在參與生產力活動後,對於生活上或是人際關係等方面都可有良好的效用。 有關參與生產力活動情形之相關因素方面,雙變項分析結果發現,以年齡較輕、有偶、居住在苗栗市地區、自評健康狀況佳、罹患疾病數目越少、ADLs功能正常、IADLs功能正常、認知功能正常、無憂鬱情形的老年人,其參與生產力活動的比率越高。反之,在罹病情形方面,以罹患高血壓、白內障等眼睛疾病、心臟病、糖尿病、腎臟等泌尿道疾病、中風、其他等疾病,會降低老年人參與生產力活動之比率。 邏輯迴歸分析結果發現,在控制其他研究變項後,年齡在75-79歲(OR=0.29)、80歲以上(OR=0.18)、居住在公館鄉與卓蘭鎮(OR=0.21)、罹患疾病數目越多(OR=0.83)、有ADLs功能障礙的老年人(OR=0.23),其參與生產力活動的可能性越低。 經由本研究的分析結果,對於未來研究建議能探討參與生產力活動對於身體或心理健康的影響。在政策方面提出以下三點建議: (一)政府相關單位應加強宣導教育老年人及社會大眾參與生產力活動的優點。 (二) 推動社區老人志願服務團體。 (三)政府相關單位應提供老年人再就業及再教育之管道。


Objectives: The primary purpose of the study was to define and measure the productive activities among the elderly and to analyze related factors of participating in productive activities in Taiwan. Method: Data came from a cross-sectional community-based survey “Successful Aging of the Elder in Taiwan” conducted at Miaolee County in 2004. All data were colleted by face-to-face interviews. The study sample was drawn from 720 subjects for 65 years of age or older by proportional probability sampling. The baseline response rate was 81.1%. Participation in productive activities was defined as any activity that can produce goods or services of economic values, including paid or unpaid work. These activities included five domains: paid or unpaid work, help in family or friends with housework and activities of daily living, gardening, and attending volunteer work. The frequency of current status, past history, and interrupted years of participation were also investigated. Logistic regression model was used for analysis . Results: The rate of current participating in any kind of productive activities was 60.1%. Helping family with housework was the most prevalent participation in productive activities(42.8%). The major motivations of participation in productive activities were to make life more meaningful (72.8%) and to maintain their health (70.4%). Most of the elderly who participated in productive activities believed that there were positive effects on their life or interpersonal relationship. After controlling demographics, health-related factors, and social support in the multiple logistic regression model, the elderly who were older (OR=0.29 for those aged 75-79, and OR=0.18 for those 80 years old or over), living in Gongguan/ Jhuolan (OR=0.21), getting more chronic diseases (OR=0.83), and presenting with ADL disability (OR=0.23), had less probability of participating in any kind of productive activities. Suggestions: From the findings of this study, it is suggested that the effects of participating in productive activities on physical or mental health will be further explored. The government should enhance educational promotion about the productive activities for the elderly and general population, to encourage elderly participation of volunteer work in the communities, and to offer opportunities of employment and education for the elderly.


Atchley, R. C. (1989). A continuity theory of normal aging. The Gerontological Society of America, 29(2), 183-190.


